[liberationtech] 5th ICTs and Society Conference 2015: The Internet and Social Media at a Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism? Perspectives for Critical Political Economy and Critical Theory
Namiq Abbasov
n.abbasov42 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 00:28:50 PST 2015
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On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Christian Fuchs <christian.fuchs at uti.at>
> The 5th ICTs and Society-Conference: The Internet and Social Media at a
> Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism? Perspectives for Critical Political
> Economy and Critical Theory.
> Vienna University of Technology.
> Vienna, Austria
> June 3-7, 2015.
> http://icts-and-society.net/events/5th-icts-and-society-conference
> Organised by the The ICTs and Society Network - an international research
> network that aims to bring together critical Internet/digital media/social
> media-researchers.
> Submission deadline:
> February 27, 2015
> http://sciforum.net/conference/isis-summit-vienna-2015/icts
> Part of the ISIS Summit Vienna 2015: Information Society at the
> Crossroads: Response and Responsibility of the Sciences of Information.
> http://summit.is4is.org
> http://summit.is4is.org/calls/call-for-participation
> Keynote speakers: http://summit.is4is.org/programme/speakers
> Given that the information society and the study of information face a
> world of crisis today and are at a crossroads, also the future of the
> Internet and social media are in question. The 5th ICTs and Society
> Conference therefore wants to focus on the questions: What are the main
> challenges that the Internet and social media are facing in capitalism
> today? What potentials for an alternative, commonist Internet are there?
> What are existing hindrances for such an Internet? What is the relationship
> of power structures, protest movements, societal developments, struggles,
> radical reforms, etc. to the Internet? How can critical political economy
> and critical theory best study the Internet and social media today?
> Presentations and submissions are organised in the form of 23 panel topics
> (ICT&S1-ICT&S23; please indicate the panel identification number to which
> you submit in your submisison/abstract):
> * ICT&S1 The Internet and Critical Theory:
> * ICT&S2 The Internet, Karl Marx, and Marxist Theory:
> * ICT&S3 The Internet, Commodities and Capitalism:
> * ICT&S4 The Political Economy of Online Advertising
> * ICT&S5 The Internet and Power:
> * ICT&S6 Raymond Williams’ Cultural Materialism and the Internet:
> * ICT&S7 Dallas Smythe and the Internet:
> * ICT&S8 Critical Cultural Studies Today: Stuart Hall, Richard Hoggart
> * ICT&S9 The Frankfurt School and the Internet:
> * ICT&S10 Marxist Semiotics, Marxist Linguistics, Critical Psychology,
> Marxism and the Internet
> * ICT&S11 The Internet and Global Capitalism
> * ICT&S12 The Internet and Neoliberalism with Chinese Characteristics
> * ICT&S13 The Political Economy of Digital Labour
> * ICT&S14 The Political Economy of the Internet and the Capitalist State
> Today
> * ICT&S15 Ideology Critique 2.0: Ideologies of and on the Internet
> * ICT&S16 Hegel 2.0: Dialectical Philosophy and the Internet
> * ICT&S17 Capitalism and Open Access Publishing
> * ICT&S18 Class Struggles, Social Struggles and the Internet
> * ICT&S19 Critical/Radical Internet Studies, the University and Academia
> Today
> * ICT&S20 The Internet and the Left
> * ICT&S21 Anti-Capitalist Feminism and the Internet Today
> * ICT&S22 The Internet, Right-Wing Extremism and Fascism Today
> * ICT&S23 An Alternative Internet
> http://sciforum.net/conference/isis-summit-vienna-2015/icts
> http://sciforum.net/conference/isis-summit-vienna-2015/page/instructions
> Please submit an extended abstract of 750-2000 words:
> First register and then select the conference “ISIS Summit Vienna 2015”
> and the conference stream “ICTS 2015”
> Only one submission per person will be considered
> Please indicate the number/ID of the panel to which you are submitting at
> the start of your abstract (ICTSxx). Submissions without panel identifier
> or that fall outside the topics covered by the 23 panels will not be
> further considered.
> --
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