[liberationtech] secure voice options for china?

ITechGeek itg at itechgeek.com
Fri Feb 13 19:47:24 PST 2015

I know a number of VPN providers have a mode for hiding their OpenVPN
connections (the VPN provider I have calls it
"Chameleon" and says it's proprietary and you have to use their software).

The solution that I personaly think might be better, is using Mumble in
half duplex mode over TOR.


Also if you don't need a full time server, you can take Andrew's suggestion
and use a pay by the hr provider such as Amazon EC2 or Rackspace Cloud
Servers (although I think a number of other VPS providers have started
doing pay by the hour plans) - That should also give the benefit of being
able to change IPs more often and depending on the provider, being able to
change datacenters.

-ITG (ITechGeek)
ITG at ITechGeek.Com
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On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 5:57 PM, Brian Behlendorf <brian at behlendorf.com>

> On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, The Doctor wrote:
>> On 02/12/2015 01:06 PM, Brian Behlendorf wrote:
>>  And this is why even people who care about their privacy still use
>>> Skype.
>> Bad actors go to extraordinary, stupid lengths to restrict access and
>> put surveillance measures in place.  Hours rivalling that of Silicon
>> Valley startups are spent fine tuning each and every last measure to
>> make sure that almost nothing sneaks past.  There is no magick wand
>> that the other side of the game can wave to bypass them like a gentle
>> breeze.  Circumvention and counter-net.surveillance are hard, and if
>> the other side doesn't bring its A game to match, it's just not going
>> to happen.  We may as well roll over and show our bellies.
> Exactly.  Which is why no one should feel satisfied with the answer that
> was given.
> Brian
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