[liberationtech] secure voice options for china?

Brian Behlendorf brian at behlendorf.com
Thu Feb 12 13:06:35 PST 2015

And this is why even people who care about their privacy still use Skype.


On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, Andrew Lewis wrote:
> From anecdotal experience: Running your own OpenVPN endpoint on a cloud provider like digitalocean* seems to work really well as long as you wrap the OpenVPN connection in something
> else like obfsproxy or stunnel. Theoretically if a commercial provider implemented something besides pure openvpn then that'd work as well. And if you want to roll your own node there
> is a set of ansiable scripts/playbooks called streisand at https://github.com/jlund/streisand, which includes a version of OpenVPN that proxies through an Stunnel connection. 
> *Some slight issues arose with running on Digitalocean, the user's account was locked completely at first and wanted extensive identification to unlock(passport), and the speed from
> China to node hosted anywhere but Singapore or LA was extremely slow. A VM hosted in singapore also seemed to be randomly slow, even to stuff that was hosted in Singapore.
> -Andrew
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 2:13 PM, Nathan of Guardian <nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:
>       On Thu, Feb 12, 2015, at 11:45 AM, Tim Libert wrote:
>       > asking for a friend, can anybody suggest best ways to have a secure voice
>       > conversation with persons located in mainland china from outside china?
>       > threat model is interception by chinese authorities, other states/actors
>       > are not of significant concern.  email alone is insufficient for task.
>       1) Setup a VPN of some sort to defend against traffic filtering and
>       blocking. Tor doesn't work with streaming audio (UDP) so it isn't an
>       option this case, but there are still viable VPN solutions out there
>       (ExpressVPN and others detailed here:
>       http://www.greycoder.com/best-vpn-china/)
>       2) Use something like Ostel (https://ostel.co/) service to have an
>       end-to-end encryption audio and/or video call using Jitsi or CSipSimple
>       (Android) or Linphone (iOS/Android):
>       https://guardianproject.info/howto/callsecurely/
>       You might also try using Signal (iOS), Redphone (Android), or
>       SilentCircle apps for mobile, but I am not completely up to date on how
>       well they work at the moment.
>       +n
>       --
>         Nathan of Guardian
>         nathan at guardianproject.info
>       --
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