[liberationtech] #BioCitationNeeded Contribs are welcome
Uncle Zzzen
unclezzzen at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 04:44:36 PST 2015
Israeli no2bio <http://english.no2bio.org> activists often have to deal
with spins insinuating that there are compulsory national biometric
databases "in most of the civilized world".
It's hard to find an authoritative page about the subject, so the next best
thing to authoritative is a gist
<https://gist.github.com/thedod/70f3e820380598c352c3#file-readme-md> [as
in: "if you don't like it, fork it" ;)]
*Please help*
If you believe the information there [e.g. regarding your own country] is
wrong <https://xkcd.com/386/> or incomplete [and have *links* to back your
claim], please let us know <https://swatwt.com/whatmail>
*Other uses*
- We're sure there are non-Israeli groups who could use this map as well
- You can fork it and use it for any other "where in the world" project
you have in mind
The Dod
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