[liberationtech] Media Innovation Lunch @Stanford: Why should we care about Light Field Displays?

Tanja Aitamurto tanja.aitamurto at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 13:04:51 PST 2015

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Join us for our next Media Innovation Lunchby the Brown Institute for Media
Stanford Engineering  Why should we care about Light Field Displays?

Wednesday, February 18, 12pm (noon)
Packard 204
What if your mobile phone’s display would correct your vision deficiency
instead of your glasses? Light field display technology can assess and
correct user vision. In his talk, Professor Gordon Wetzstein discusses a
wide range of unconventional applications that are facilitated by light
field technology, a novel and inexpensive computational  display
technology. Light field displays are expected to be “the future of 3D
displays”, although many believe that the recent hype about stereoscopic 3D
displays is over. One reason why consumers haven’t widely adopted 3D
television may be the lack of a unique or useful enhancement of the 2D
viewing experience. Prof. Wetzstein discusses why it is believed that a new
technology, light field displays, could deliver an experience that will
appeal to and be adapted by future consumers. The talk begins with a short
historical review of light field displays and recent trends towards
compressive light field display, followed by a  discussion of applications
in projection systems, vision assessment and correction, wearable displays,
and a brief comparison to holography.

Assistant Professor Gordon Wetzstein's research focuses on computational
imaging and display systems as well as computational light transport.

*Please RSVP by 2/16/15 using this link
you have questions. please contact Program Manager Kelly Yilmaz
<yilmaz at stanford.edu?subject=RE%3A%20Gordon%20Wetzstein&body=%0A%0A(feel%20free%20to%20include%20any%20comments%20or%20questions%20here)>
the Brown Institute. Lunch will be provided. [image: The Brown Institute
for Media Innovation]
Stanford Engineering School]
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Tanja Aitamurto, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
Brown Fellow, postdoctoral
The Brown Institute for Media Innovation <http://brown.stanford.edu/>
Stanford Engineering
www.tanjaaitamurto.com <http://brokenfence.flavors.me/>
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