[liberationtech] Call for Participation - FFDN General Assembly - 07-10 May 2015

Julien Rabier taziden at flexiden.org
Mon Feb 2 05:16:30 PST 2015

The FDN Federation will hold its upcoming General Assembly in May, in western
France. Besides the formal Assembly, it's mostly an opportunity for all
non-profit ISPs of the Federation to meet, present their projects, and

Here is a call for participation to this event [1]. Please spread it.

We would like to invite other DIY ISPs or community networks, so that they
can share their experience. We are specifically looking for people to give a
presentation, workshop or discussion, in English or French. The format is
mostly free (duration between 20 minutes and 2 hours), it can range from a
formal presentation on the theory of community-owned networks, to a workshop
on "how to build your own Koruza".

Keywords and topics: fiber, high-performance wireless networks, software
tools for DIY ISPs, security of the infrastructure, models for
community-owned networks, economical models, network neutrality, scaling
(both human and technical), relation with political representatives, project

You can submit your proposals by email at ffdn2015 at ffdn.org. The deadline for
proposals is Monday 9 March 2015. 
Please include in your proposal, if possible:

    - an abstract of around 40 to 100 words
    - an estimation of the duration
    - the format you would like for your presentation (conference,
      workshop, discussion...)
    - any items you might need (beamer, loudspeakers, pointer,
      mandatory Internet connectivity, tea or coffee...)

Don't hesitate to ask any question on our IRC channel (#ffdn on
irc.geeknode.org), speaking in English is fine.

Practical information: the event will take place from 7th May 2015 to 10th
May 2015, near Chôlet. For more information (accomodation, travel, schedule,
etc), see this wiki page[2], it will be updated regularly.

[1] http://www.ffdn.org/en/article/2015-02-01/call-participation-general-assembly-ffdn
[2] http://www.ffdn.org/wiki/doku.php?id=evenements:ag2015-en

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