[liberationtech] Remembering Gaetano Borriello

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Feb 1 13:18:49 PST 2015

via Yaw Anokwa <yanokwa at gmail.com>

With enormous sadness, we announce that our dear friend, colleague,
and teacher Gaetano Borriello
(http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~gaetano), the Jerre D. Noe Professor
of Computer Science & Engineering, passed away this morning at his
home, following a long fight with cancer.

Gaetano was dedicated to UW CSE and our students, and we were
dedicated to him. Graduating from Berkeley in 1988, Gaetano applied to
only a single academic department as an indication of how much he
wanted to be here. Over the last six years, he fought the disease with
courage, grace, optimism, and humor, continuing to teach, advise,
mentor, and lead throughout. Through his work on technology for global
development, Gaetano showed how research can impact the lives of
people around the world.

Our hearts go out to Gaetano's wife Melissa, his sons Christopher and
Nicholas, his mother Rosa, his brother Frank, and the rest of their
family. There will be no public service at this time, as the family
wishes to grieve in private.

In his honor and memory, the department has established the Gaetano
Borriello Fellowship for Change. The Borriello Fellowship will support
students whose work is focused on exploring how technology can improve
the lives of under-served populations. More information on the
fellowship at

A community event honoring Gaetano was held on Friday, at which he was
able to return one final time to the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer
Science & Engineering and be with family, friends, and colleagues.
Bruce Hemingway photographs of the event, "il Festival di Gaetano," at
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