[liberationtech] 2 PhD scholarships in digital labour analysis & digital ideology critique
Christian Fuchs
christian.fuchs at uti.at
Wed Dec 16 05:21:56 PST 2015
2 PhD scholarships in digital labour analysis & digital ideology critique
University of Westminster: Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies &
Comunication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI)
Three years, full time
£16,000 annual stipend plus fee waiver
The Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies and the Westminster
School of Media, Arts & Design are pleased to offer two PhD
Studentships, consisting of a fee waiver and annual stipend of £16,000
for three years. The Studentship will commence in September 2016, and is
available to applicants with a Home (UK) or EU fee status.
The Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS) is a new institute
at the University of Westminster. It is an academic space for
independent critical thinking beyond borders. The WIAS’s aim is to
foster and disseminate advanced studies that generate insights into the
complex realities and possibilities of the contemporary world. The WIAS
first research focus is critical social media research. Professor
Christian Fuchs is the Institute’s director.
We welcome proposals that fit into the WIAS’s research framework of
critical social/digital media research and give particular focus to the
theoretical and empirical analysis of particular questions having to do
with a) the political economy of digital labour or b) the ideology
critique of social media data and discourses.
The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) is one of the
leading research groups in media and communication. Its work has been
rated by the UK Government’s 2014 Research Excellence Framework as 52%
4* (world leading), and 35% 3* (internationally excellent). We have over
20 research active staff and 70 PhD students.
We have a wide and expanding range of research interests, centered on
three main research groups in social media, media policy and industries
and media history. We have established centres for the study of the
media in China, India, the Arab world and Africa. In the broadest sense
we are interested in the social, economic, political and cultural
significance of the media, and welcome proposals from prospective
students on these or any other topic related to media and communication.
Eligible candidates will hold at least an upper second class honours
degree and a Master’s degree. Candidates whose secondary level education
has not been conducted in the medium of English should also demonstrate
evidence of appropriate English language proficiency, normally defined
as 6.5 in IELTS (with not less than 6.0 in any of the individual elements).
Entry requirements:
The Studentship consists of a fee waiver and a stipend of £16,000 per
annum. Successful candidates will be expected to undertake some teaching
Prospective candidates wishing to informally discuss an application
should contact Professor Christian Fuchs, c.fuchs at westminster.ac.uk
<mailto:c.fuchs at westminster.ac.uk>, or Dr Anthony McNicholas,
mcnichc at westminster.ac.uk <mailto:mcnichc at westminster.ac.uk>.
The closing date for applications is 5pm, 21 January 2016
Application and Application Guidelines:
Prof. Christian Fuchs
University of Westminster,
Director of the Communication and Media Research Institute,
Director of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies
c.fuchs at westminster.ac.uk
+44 (0) 20 7911 5000 ext 67380
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