[liberationtech] Calling aspiring researchers, hackers, designers, thinkers for the Stanford Crowd Research Winter Program

Melody Clark melclark at uw.edu
Mon Dec 14 07:51:58 PST 2015

Just passing this along for Rajan - please contact him with any questions.

** Calling aspiring researchers, hackers, designers, thinkers for the Stanford Crowd Research Winter Program**

After huge success in the Spring and Summer sessions, researchers from Stanford University are inviting aspiring researchers to join them in an effort to form the largest crowdsourcing research project ever. The accepted participants will get a chance to design and develop the next-generation crowdsourcing platform - Daemo<http://hci.stanford.edu/publications/2015/crowdresearch/daemo-uist.pdf>. Besides, the program will give academic research experience and a chance to co-author paper with researchers at a top-tier conference - primarily in human-computer interaction. Students from any department, pursuing any degree are encouraged to apply.

Deadline for the application is 31st December, 2015. Please check: hci.st/joinstanfordresearchers<http://hci.st/joinstanfordresearchers> for more details or contact Rajan Vaish with any questions at rvaish at cs.stanford.edu<mailto:rvaish at cs.stanford.edu>.


Thanks so much,

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