[liberationtech] Tauberer (GovTrack): So you want to reform democracy

Peter Lindener lindener.peter at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 17:36:53 PST 2015


   I figured I should CC: you, as your posting
is providing some food for discussion on Stanford's [liberationtech]
mailing list....

   I'm not sure how it is your wanting to come across regarding your
efforts in helping to reform democracy....
   before reiterating that what-ever someone else proposes, they must have
it all wrong...as you you have been working on this problem for 15 years
    ( that would place the time span of dedication to efforts attempting to
improve democracy in similar fairly time frame ),

   At this point, I have found little in your postings that seems to
reflect on democratic Social Decision's in terms of there underlying nature
as an information process...   (as is the process of Social evolution it
self),   So I'm not sure af this point if we might be fortunate enough to
possess the mutual lexicon that might permit for forms of more constructive

   Now that your posting has manged to capture some attention on Stanford's
LibTech mailing list...

   Lets start with the basics...   information flow, has a number of
rate of transmission, Quality (error rate), as well as to be in any sense
relevant, a mapping of some sort to it's underlying meaning...   all of
these factors come into play when one looks at an information process, of
which the democratic Social Decision process
<http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE27/I27P1.pdf> (<- i'm 2nd author) is
arguable an instance. ...

   we could dive MUCH deeper here.. but there are other things we might
also want to cover...

   I gather from your posting that you might have some interest social
evolution as well as perhaps it's relationship to Game Theory
<http://www.econ.ucsb.edu/papers/wp13-01.pdf>,  ...

   Before going on, I'm feeling the need to point out that for some,
working on something for a mere 15 years is not yet an entire life time
as some before have already ventured, so I personally will count both of us
amongst the youngsters just starting in our efforts to help make the world
a better place...

   Thus, I write, asking that you might join in on discussion on Stanford's
Liberation-Tech mailing list
<https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech>,   But then,
perhaps you might want to put on your diplomacy hat, as there are a good
number of technically proficient heavyweights in this sector... at least
from my perspective: sometimes it just makes sense to hit the books so that
one can keep up...

    all the best
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