[liberationtech] twice-per-day bitmessage

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 8 10:06:07 PST 2015

Hi list,Let's say I revise Bitmessage to have the following constraints:* only two messages are sent per day: one at 0:00 GMT and another at 12:00 GMT* receipt acknowledgement happens inside messages, either manually "Hi, I got your message", or automating the process in the client.  Either way you have to wait twelve hours to find out whether your message got through or not.
* every message is same size, say, the size of a tweet* every connected node sends a message at the scheduled times, regardless of whether or not the user has a message ready to send* every user is happy with the entire world knowing they are running a node

How does Sybil de-anonymize such a system?

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