[liberationtech] Fwd: New Online Diploma Program in Tech for Monitoring & Evaluation

Nick Martin nick at techchange.org
Mon Aug 24 17:12:50 PDT 2015

Hi Liberation Tech Folks,

We're excited to be launching a new diploma program
<https://www.techchange.org/online-courses/me-diploma-track/> in Tech for
Monitoring & Evaluation at TechChange.

Feel free to pass along to friends and colleagues who might be interested
or schedule and appoint below to talk to one of our advisors.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TechChange <diploma at techchange.org>
Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 4:24 PM
Subject: We've got a MAJOR announcement...
To: nick at techchange.org

We've got big news! View this email in your browser
the skills and network you need for a career in international development

Over the past five years, *alumni and organizations have been asking us to
provide a program that went beyond a four week course.* Today, we're
excited to announce an initiative that addresses that very desire: a
diploma program in Technology for Monitoring & Evaluation

*ENROLL BY AUGUST 31* and you'll receive an additional workshop at no cost.
Plus, the first 100 participants to enroll will receive an exclusive
welcome package in the mail (hint: it involves TechBot swag!)
you’re a working professional or a recent college grad looking for an
alternative to graduate school, we have a program suited to you. Our
16-week online diploma program in Technology for Monitoring & Evaluation
is designed to give you the technical skills and real world experience you
need to succeed in your career and make an impact in the world. DOWNLOAD
*Copyright © 2015 TechChange, All rights reserved.*

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Nick Martin

Founder & CEO, TechChange

M 240 505 2324 | www.techchange.org | @ncmart

<http://www.facebook.com/techchange>  <http://www.twitter.com/techchange>

Check out our new courses here! <http://bit.ly/1LV2bLM>
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