[liberationtech] Blockchain Revolution | Social network | Decentralized web | Smart Contracts

Vrontis cryptovrontis at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 10:08:05 PDT 2015

Hello hellekin and thanks for your questions

First of all, I didn't knew Mr Gerald Celeste till now.My bad maybe...
There isn't any relations between those two project neither I've been involved on FairCoin.
I've seen that flag to and also, I have made the cyborg account during the creation / testing period of the social network.

Automated Transactions and Arbitrary transactions are two different features that exists on Qora, Automated transactions is the smart contracts mechanism made by CIYAM developers, Arbitrary transactions are data storing transactions.However, the acronyms AT are used to describe Automated Transactions.

My personal opinions is not related to Qora and the whole project, so please consider the below as personal opinions.

My view, that I hope that I'm keep following, it must be tied to/with my existence.
I have to think politically in order to keep a healthy mind.
My orientation is mostly based on the terms "common ownership and libertarianism".Do they fit?
Yes, to me yes!I don't want to baptize this with a term such as anarchist communism or whatever, the roots of my beliefs tends to be closer to the term Libertarian Socialism [0] however the root is the direct democracy.
As I said above a political thinking mind is a healthy mind.
By giving the power to the people via direct democracy the world will be driven directly from the people and their needs.Is that good?Are the societies healthy enough to drive the world or it will drive the humanity to a dead end?
That's my only concern at the moment.Do we have the ability, are we healthy enough to drive the world?
I am highly concerned and anxious on these questions.We are driven and we've learned to be driven by an egocentric model, at least this is how I understand / learned the world, a model that is tied to money, bypassing politics.This is our age.And I don't believe that this is good.
We must work to protect the human kind from the human kind, that's insane but that's true!Freedom is needed, common sense also has a highly important role in this.
Regarding Greece, what it needs the most it to have people supporting people.And this is actually what is happening inside Greece.The state has failed to do that (accidentally?).
We need to build and maintain the social cohesion no matter which tools can be used for this, this is a need and technology must be used where it fits in order to provide as many tools as possible to serve that need.
That's actually the role of technology, right?
However, as I said, we must protect the human kind.Turning everything to a "digital currency" is something that actually I am afraid of.
With the blockchain tech and the so called Internet of Things I am afraid the time that my television will be automatically switched off because I must go to sleep because tomorrow morning I got to go to work.Should we aware of that?Is this dangerous?Definitely it is.And to be honest, this is how I see things growing, and I'm sure "someone" wants to achieve that, probably the "same" who is making those "financial experiments" in Greece, by replacing the governance model with a "banking model" that rules Greece and Greek citizens.The constitution has been violated this way so, what's next?
Recently a "food card" [2] has been introduced in Greece to help the poor.
Definitely, this is needed, help is needed into our society.But with a card?Issued by a bank?Where this is leading us?
So, you might wondered why I've made that "cyborg" account for tests.Do I endorse that, do I see machines taking over the world?
Well no, machines will not take over the world, but people will take over machines!So we must be there and give that knowledge / power to the people before someone "take" over machines suddenly, "switching off" humanity.
So, to conclude, I do not want to place my self on theories and higher level of (mis)understandings, instead of this, I am trying to realize where am I, what is going on, what happens to me, what happens next to me and what happens beside of me.And then I got to move, to motivate, to speak and to work for what I believe.

Many thanks and sorry for abusing this section with my personal opinions.

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