[liberationtech] Blockchain Revolution | Social network | Decentralized web | Smart Contracts

crypto vrontis cryptovrontis at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 19:50:40 PDT 2015


I'm a software developer from Greece and I am writing to inform you about a
project that has progress made by a small team of developers including
me.Is a digital currency named Qora.
The achievements that the Qora platform has introduced the last months on
the cryptocurrencies scene is by far the most innovative in the tech world.

Qora has just launched a Decentralized social network based on the
blockchain, the world's first cryptocurrency based social network.
With the latest release, Qora introduces also a blogging platform tied to
blockchain and also a decentralized web were users can browser websites
hosted on blockchain.
You can test it in here : http://qora.co.in:9090
This is a public web server of the Qora wallet.

Currently our social network provides to the users the ability to create
their own profiles, tied to the naming service of Qora, they can follow
other users, update their status, share and like other people posts.

Also we have introduced a fully functional search engine that can be used
to search the web of Qora and also the blogging service of Qora.

Another great feature of Qora is Automated Transactions, a Turing Complete
smart contracts mechanism that provides the ability for every user to
create their own applications that runs on the blockchain.Automated
Transactions is made by CIYAM developers <http://ciyam.org/at/>

Qora also has a Voting feature which is used mostly from the community to
drive the project but as any other feature of Qora, everyone can run his
own polls on blockchain.

At last, Qora has assets exchange with the ability to trade assets with
assets directly (known as Barter Economy) and encrypted messages.

So, to conclude, our platform is ready to host any decentralized
application and every decentralized autonomous organization among with
thousands of users who will join the blockchain revoloution.


Vrontis <cryptovrontis at gmail.com>

Core developer of Qora <http://www.qora.org/>
on behalf of the Qora team
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