[liberationtech] Anyone know of a free payment/donation app for non-profits?

Miles Fidelman mfidelman at meetinghouse.net
Tue Aug 4 11:32:55 PDT 2015

Zak Whittington wrote:
> A friend of mine is working for an anti-genocide org in southeast 
> asia, and they want to start doing some online fundraising. Their 
> first thought was to do a PayPal button, but they'd rather not pay 
> PayPal a cut of all their donations.
> Anyone know if there are any free tools out there for small social 
> justice orgs to fundraise online without transaction fees or buying a 
> costly software package?

You can always install an open source shopping card system (e.g., 
zencart), and an awful lot of ISPs offer that as a hosted service. The 
software is free, hosting or Internet access will cost you something, 
and administration will require labor (paid or otherwise).

"Without transaction fees" is a different story.  If you want to accept 
credit card donations, you'll need a bank account and a merchant account 
- lots of options, start with the bank (in effect PayPal is just one 
example of a merchant account, so is Amazon Payment services - and the 
rates aren't bad).  There is simply no way to avoid the 1-3% rakeoff 
that the credit card networks charge. If you limit yourself to bank 
account-to-bank account transfers, transaction fees can be lower, but 
you're likely to limit your audience.  If you really want to avoid all 
transaction fees, you need to handle only cash.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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