[liberationtech] Fwd: Swinburne Internet Policy Workshop - Melbourne (Australia) 4&5 Oct 2015 - Call for Proposals

Angela Daly angelacdaly at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 18:25:09 PDT 2015

*Swinburne Internet Policy WorkshopauIGF academic pre-eventSunday 4th &
Monday 5th October 2015Melbourne, Australia*

*Call for proposals*
Deadline: Friday 5th June
Notification of acceptance: Monday 29th June

We are pleased to announce the inaugural Swinburne Internet Policy
Workshop, organised by the Swinburne Institute of Social Research’s Digital
Society group and generously sponsored by auDA. The workshop is organised
in conjunction with auDA’s Australian Governance Forum (to be held in
Melbourne on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th October 2015). This is an
opportunity for scholars with a research interest in Internet policy to
explore research aspects of the auIGF’s agenda and other Internet policy

We are currently seeking submissions on the broad theme of Internet policy
research and particularly welcome contributions which look at Internet
policy topics in Australia and the broader Asia Pacific region.
Accordingly, authors are invited to submit abstracts on a broad spectrum of
Internet policy topics that include, but are not restricted to:

·         Intellectual property and the Internet
·         The Internet economy
·         Data retention, surveillance and privacy
·         Internet governance, domain names
·         Net neutrality
·         Digital society
·         Digital inclusion

*Emerging Scholars stream*
The first day of the workshop will be an opportunity for emerging scholars
(PhD candidates and recent doctoral graduates) to present a paper on their
current research on Internet policy themes, and receive feedback on their
work from a discussant. Emerging scholars will also have the opportunity to
engage with senior academics and other emerging scholars in a relaxed and
supportive environment.

We encourage academic researchers from all relevant disciplines to send
proposals of no more than 500 words and a short bio statement to Dr Angela
Daly (acdaly at swin.edu.au) by Friday 5th June. If applicants wish to be
considered for the Emerging Scholars stream, please state this clearly.
Please note that papers for the Emerging scholars stream will be due on
Friday 18th September. We intend to publish selected papers from both days
in a special edition of a highly ranked peer-reviewed journal.
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