[liberationtech] Looking for: ICT/telecom expertise in country in Nepal

Peter Micek peter at accessnow.org
Mon Apr 27 08:08:24 PDT 2015

The Swedish-Finnish telco TeliaSonera operates in Nepal and is engaged in
relief efforts, offering 50 free SMS and some free calling. I'll paste
their email below, and find their latest alert here:

Update on TeliaSonera’s operations in Nepal following earthquake

*TeliaSonera's majority owned company in Nepal, Ncell, is working around
the clock to help and support its employees and partners after the major
earthquake which hit Nepal this weekend. As of now there are no reports of
any of the 515 employees being injured. Ncell also continues its work to
keep the mobile network in the country running to facilitate for the rescue
operations ongoing.*

The highest priority is and has been to locate all employees and to give
them the best possible support in their very difficult personal situations.
Ncell has of this morning been able to establish the whereabouts of all its

On early Monday morning, TeliaSonera sent an aircraft to Nepal with tents,
water cleaning facilities and medical supplies to help stabilize and
improve working conditions for Ncell's employees in order to secure the

Most of Ncell's mobile network in Nepal is working, although overloaded
with several hundred sites having power supply problems. This leads to
congested networks and Ncell therefore urges everyone to communicate by SMS
in order to minimize the strain of the network.

Ncell's crisis management team has secured support from suppliers and
maintenance teams are trying to restart as many sites as possible. Right
now, it is not possible to assess the damages and costs related to the

To ensure that Ncell’s customers can communicate with families and friends,
Ncell has credited SIM cards with an amount sufficient to make necessary
calls. Ncell also provides customers with 50 free SMS, as a first action.
Calls and SMS between most of TeliaSonera' European operations and Nepal
are free of charge, but due to the damage to the network, Ncell has made
the judgment that it is not possible to enable free calls in Nepal as it
would put additional strain to the network and risk the ongoing rescue
operations. This is constantly reviewed.

For more information on Ncell and the earthquake please read articles on
TeliaSonera.com/newsroom <http://www.teliasonera.com/en/newsroom/>.
*For more information, please contact the TeliaSonera press office +46 771
77 58 30,** press at teliasonera.com <press at teliasonera.com>, **visit our**
Newsroom <http://www.teliasonera.com/en/newsroom/> **or follow us on
Twitter **@TeliaSoneraAB <https://twitter.com/TeliaSoneraAB>**.*

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Lina Srivastava <lina at linasrivastava.com>

> You might already know about Kathmandu Living Labs, but if not, they might
> be able to help: http://kathmandulivinglabs.org/
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>
> wrote:
>> From: Nick Ashton-Hart <nashton at consensus.pro> via
>> bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
>> If you, or someone you know, has hands-on ICTs and especially telecom
>> infrastructure experience and is presently in Nepal can you let me know
>> offlist?
>> I'm trying to help emergency teams in country gain access to in-country
>> expertise.
>> Regards, Nick
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Peter Micek
Senior Policy Counsel
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