[liberationtech] Ghostery, NoScript.. add-ons frequently phone home

Timur Mehrvarz timur.mehrvarz at riseup.net
Sat Apr 25 17:43:07 PDT 2015

This exists already: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock

On my PC uBlock has replaced AdBlock Edge, Element Hiding helper,
NoScript, Ghostery and RequestPolicy. It's incredibly good. Even
Stallman could use Firefox now.

(Hi Richard, you would still need to add RefreshBlocker,
HTTPS-Everywhere and CockieMonster.)

On 26.04.2015 02:30, Al Billings wrote:
> Seriously though, someone should write a Firefox (and Chrome, I guess) extension that flips all the privacy bits folks want, adds some more controls, blocks pings, and have a panel to control all of this via a UI. That would be a lot more useful than complaining about the state of affairs. 

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