[liberationtech] Trottier/Fuchs (eds) Social media, politics and the state
Christian Fuchs
christian.fuchs at uti.at
Fri Apr 24 05:43:07 PDT 2015
Trottier, Daniel and Christian Fuchs, eds. 2015. Social media, politics
and the state. Protests, revolutions, riots, crime and policing in the
age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. New York: Routledge.
This book is the essential guide for understanding how state power and
politics are contested and exercised on social media. It brings together
contributions by social media scholars who explore the connection of
social media with revolutions, uprising, protests, power and
counter-power, hacktivism, the state, policing and surveillance. It
shows how collective action and state power are related and conflict as
two dialectical sides of social media power, and how power and
counter-power are distributed in this dialectic. Theoretically focused
and empirically rigorous research considers the two-sided contradictory
nature of power in relation to social media and politics.
More information:
Section One: Introductions
1. Theorising Social Media, Politics and the State: An Introduction
Daniel Trottier and Christian Fuchs
2. Social Networking Sites in Pro-democracy and Anti-austerity Protests:
Some Thoughts from a Social Movement Perspective
Donatella della Porta and Alice Mattoni
Section Two: Global and Civil Counter-Power
3. Populism 2.0: Social Media Activism, the Generic Internet User and
Plebiscitary Digital Democracy
Paolo Gerbaudo
4. Anonymous: Hacktivism and Contemporary Politics
Christian Fuchs
Section Three: Civil Counter-Power Against Austerity
5. Web 2.0 Nazi Propaganda: Golden Dawn’s Affect, Spectacle and Identity
Constructions in Social Media
Panos Kompatsiaris and Yiannis Mylonas
6. More Than an Electronic Soapbox: Activist Web Presence as a
Collective Action Frame, Newspaper Source and Police Surveillance Tool
During the London G20 Protests in 2009
Jonathan Cable
7. Assemblages: Live Streaming Dissent in the ‘Quebec Spring’
Elise Danielle Thorburn
Section Four: Contested and Toppled State Power
8. Creating Spaces for Dissent: The Role of Social Media in the 2011
Egyptian Revolution
Sara Salem
9. Social Media Activism and State Censorship
Thomas Poell
Section Five: State Power as Policing and Intelligence
10. Vigilantism and Power Users: Police and User-Led Investigations on
Social Media
Daniel Trottier
11. Police ‘Image Work’ in an Era of Social Media: YouTube and the 2007
Montebello Summit Protest
Christopher J. Schneider
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