[liberationtech] Come to Battlemesh v8 to Slovenia

Mitar mmitar at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 16:51:14 PDT 2015


I am inviting you all to Battlemesh. This year it will be in Slovenia,
03-09 Aug 2015. We extended the early bird deadline to 24 April for
shared accommodation costs. But otherwise the event is free to attend.

See more information here:


Battlemesh is an international annual developer conference and brings
together wireless community networks participants, WiFi wireless mesh
networking enthusiasts, developers from the most popular open source
mesh protocol implementations (Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, IEEE 802.11s,
OLSR) and anyone else interested either in developing mesh networking
technologies or establishing such networks.

The week long event is organized around participant collaboration and
learning with a number of talks and workshops running in parallel
while performing experiments on a test network deployed just for this
purpose. There will be a number of interesting and new devices to
test, a setup of wireless optical system KORUZA and much more.

(The dates are close to Chaos Communication Camp so you can continue
to Germany afterwards.)




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