[liberationtech] Call for Talks: Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs) - due April 24th
A. Johnson
aaron.m.johnson at nrl.navy.mil
Wed Apr 1 12:33:08 PDT 2015
Hello libtech,
The 8th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2015) is currently accepting proposals for talks on new ideas and results in privacy-enhancing technologies. HotPETs will be held on July 2nd, the day after the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), in Philadelphia, PA, USA. The proposals need only be two pages, and they are due on April 24th, 2015. For more information, see <https://www.petsymposium.org/2015/hotpets.php>.
HotPETs has presented some pretty exciting new ideas in liberation technology in the past. A few recent examples include
1. "Building Effective Internet Freedom Tools: Needfinding with the Tibetan Exile Community”, by Michael Brennan, Katey Metzroth and Roxann Stafford, HotPETs 2014. <https://www.petsymposium.org/2014/papers/Brennan.pdf>.
2. "SWEET: Serving the Web by Exploiting Email Tunnels” by Wenxuan Zhou, Amir Houmansadr, Matthew Caesar, and Nikita Borisov, HotPETs 2013. <https://www.petsymposium.org/2013/papers/zhou-censorship.pdf>.
3. "Message In A Bottle: Sailing Past Censorship” by Luca Invernizzi, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna, HotPETs 2012. <https://www.petsymposium.org/2012/papers/hotpets12-3-message.pdf>.
We have also had some exciting keynotes in the recent past, including
1. William Binney (Former NSA Official), "The Surveillance State”, HotPETs 2014.
2. Helen Nissenbaum (Professor at NYU and Director of the Information Law Institute), "DIY Privacy with Obfuscation”, HotPETs 2013.
3. Balachander Krishnamurthy (computer scientist at AT&T Labs and founder of the Internet Measurement Conference), "Internet privacy: Towards more transparency”, HotPETs 2012.
4. Sid Stamm (lead privacy engineer at Mozilla), "Better control of your data on the web”, HotPETs 2011.
We hope to continue to provide a valuable venue to present and learn about recent technological developments in online freedom, and in particular we hope to receive some talk proposals from the liberation technology community!
co-chair, HotPETs 2015
Aaron Johnson, Ph.D.
Computer Scientist
Formal Methods Section
Center for High Assurance Computer Systems
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
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