[liberationtech] Tech for Conflict Mgmt & Peacebuilding online course (Oct 6- to Oct 31)
Nancy Ngo
nancy at techchange.org
Thu Sep 25 10:58:05 PDT 2014
Hi folks at Liberation Tech,
Thought some of you and perhaps also your colleagues might be interested in
TechChange's next round of Technology for Conflict Management and
certificate course.
Get *$50 off the course price with coupon code: LiberationTech*
We have an updated syllabus and are welcoming back several dynamic speakers
from Humanity United, Ushahidi, as well as new speakers from Internews,
George Washington University, and more. We already have several
participants registered from across the world representing organizations
such as U.S. Department of State, Oxfam (Mexico), UNDP (Panama), Management
Strategies for Development (Democratic Republic of Congo), USAID's Office
of Transition Initiatives, Brandeis University, IBM Japan, and more! So
far, these participants are based in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC), Denmark, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Turkey, and the USA.
Check out the details on the online course below and please feel free to
forward this on to anyone or share with forums/mailing lists that might be
interested in this online course. If your team/organization is interested
in locking in a group discount rate, you can get in touch me directly.
Technology for Conflict Management & Peacebuilding
is an interactive online course designed for current or aspiring conflict
managers, mediators, peacebuilding & conflict resolution experts, conflict
analysts, and security specialists to become familiar with the latest
technology in digital mapping, mobile platforms, and social media that can
be applied to promoting peace across the world.
Course description:
This course will cover the use of mobile phones, digital mapping, and
social media in conflict management and peacebuilding. Case studies from
Myanmar, Kenya, and Syria; live discussions with experts from international
organizations, academia and government, and instructor moderated
discussions will make up the core of the learning experience. Participants
will also get hands-on experience with mapping software during a simulation
the final week of the course. By the end of the course, participants should
expect to have developed an understanding of how different pieces of
technology work, be able to do basic assessments of technology integration
for their organizations, and some basic hands-on experience with
crowdsourcing technologies.
Course date: October 6 - October 31, 2014.
Course topics:
Mobile phones, digital mapping, social media, and big data for conflict
analysis and prevention
Crowdsourcing & participatory mapping and GIS in conflict analysis
Issues to consider when deploying technology for peace: ethics and
21st century strategies for data management and information security
Localizing conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts through
Format: interactive online course with facilitated discussions with
peacebuilding technologists and experts
Guest speakers:
Michael Bear Kleinman, Director of Investments, Humanity United
Dr. Matthew Levinger, Director, National Security Studies Program,
George Washington University <http://elliott.gwu.edu/levinger>
Jessica Heinzelman, Senior ICT Specialist, DAI
Rob Baker, COO, Ushahidi <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rrbaker>
Anahi Ayala Iacucci, Innovation Advisor, Internews
...and more!
Apply now
early bird discounts and before seats run out! For group discount rates,
please contact nancy at techchange.org.
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