[liberationtech] Update to: Roclin's Beware of Geeks Bearing Grifts

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Sep 19 09:22:47 PDT 2014

One of the earliest books to explore this phenomenon is Steve Barley
and Gideon Kunda's "Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies: Itinerant
Experts in a Knowledge Economy." If you're interested in the topic,
you may want to check it out:


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 8:30 AM,  <judie at acret.org> wrote:
> Since I responded to Professor Roclin's blog post earlier, I came across
> this article when I was doing my morning news ritual:
> Does Silicon Valley Have a Contract-Worker Problem?
> http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/09/silicon-valleys-contract-worker-problem.html
> It is even worse than I imagined. Until now -- I guess I am somewhat late to
> the game -- I had never heard of the "1099 economy."
> Pretty fu*king scary. What are we doing to ourselves?
> In addition, the other day, I came across a write up on Naomi Klein's new
> book, "This Changes Everything."
> Naomi Klein on the Great Clash Between Capitalism and the Climate
> http://www.alternet.org/books/naomi-klein-great-clash-between-capitalism-and-climate
> Can't wait to get my hands on it and I trust it will be as revealing as "The
> Shock Doctrine" was.
> Maybe at some point, we will get some influencers, besides the folks on this
> list,  who are in positions of power that will start advocating for new p2p
> business models that are less exploitive.
> But first we have to take on Wall Street. And I quote:
> "She sees her new book as the natural successor to  The Shock Doctrine as
> she deepens her critique and insists we need to fundamentally rethink our
> approach to climate. The inconvenient truth about global warming is that it
> isn't really about carbon, but rather capitalism. Our economic model is
> waging war on the earth, and unless capitalism is dramatically changed, we
> are doomed."
> Hear, hear.
> /j
> --
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