[liberationtech] update on RiseApp

Leonardo Maccari leonardo.maccari at unitn.it
Tue Sep 9 08:01:48 PDT 2014

Dear all,
The RiseApp project has been approved in the first call of CHEST
project, many thanks to those of you who voted it! For those that missed
the previous emails, RiseApp (www.riseapp.org) is a project i'm
designing to help people share and publish media in a secure way in
risky situations, when Internet connection is filtered or temporarily

Before i apply to the new call (and get the money to really do it), i'd
like to receive feedback to validate the idea. I have prepared a
document that describes the idea with minimum technical details. In
fact, before designing the technical stuff I'd like to have feedback
especially from people involved in activism on the field, not only
techies. I want to assess if the application can be really useful to
activists from countries where Internet disconnection and censorship
normally happens.

So if you want to help, please take a look at this whitepaper and share
it with anybody that you think may be interested, your contacts, your
friends, your social networks.


Any feedback and experience is precious to shape the project, so thanks
for your help!

Leonardo Maccari, Post-doc researcher at University of Trento
Tel: +39 0461 285323, www.disi.unitn.it/~maccari, gpg ID: AABE2BD7

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