[liberationtech] Vol.11 N.2 - Global Surveillance and Forms of Resistance
Javier de Rivera
javier at socialmediasociology.com
Mon Sep 1 07:46:59 PDT 2014
Dear members of liberationtech list,
It is now available the last monographic issue of Teknokultura Journal
This time the Editorial (attached) and four of the articles are written
in English.
We hope it is of your interest,
Kind regards,
@Teknokultura <http://twitter.com/teknokultura>
*Vol 11, No 2 (2014): Global Surveillance and Forms of Resistanc*e
Monographic issue coordinated by Javier de Rivera and Ángel Gordo López
Table of Contents
Global Surveillance and Forms of Resistance
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/245> PDF
Javier de Rivera, Ángel Gordo López 237-242
The Shepherd, the Doctor and the Big Data
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/210> PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Alejandro Segura Vázquez 243-257
Societies of Control: State techno-surveillance and Civic Resistance in
Mexico <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/224> PDF
(ESPAÑOL) <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/224/pdf>
Paola Ricaurte Quijano, Jacobo Nájera Valdez, Jesús Robles Maloof 259-282
Travel Surveillance Assemblages
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/222> PDF
Sophia Carmen Vackimes 283-300
Videosurveillance in the center of Madrid: moving towards an electronic
panopticon? <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/226> PDF
(ESPAÑOL) <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/226/pdf>
Santiago Ruiz Chasco 301-327
Surveillance by any other name? Understanding counter-surveillance as
critical discourse and practice
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/219> PDF
Gemma Galdon Clavell 329-348
Reactions in New Media Art to surveillance and data control on the Net:
new paradigms (2001-2010)
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/232> PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Paloma González Díaz 349-382
Hacking the Vision Machine: Farocki’s and Paglen’s detourning of control
images <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/212> PDF
Rafael Dernbach 383-403
Power and Surveillance in Video Games
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/227> PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Héctor Puente Bienvenido, Costán Sequeiros Bruna 405-423
A Question of Momentum - Critical Reflections on Individual Options for
Surveillance Resistance
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/216> PDF
Ashlin James Lee 425-440
>From Camouflage in Contemporary Art to Privacy in Net-Art
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/228> PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Jorge Dueñas Villamiel 441-452
Interview with Hélène Castel, by Fernando Álvarez-Uría y Julia Varela
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/230> PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Julia Varela Fernández, Fernando Álvarez-Uría, Hélène Castel 453-473
Cypherpunks <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/209> PDF
(ESPAÑOL) <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/209/pdf>
Estela Mateo Regueiro 475-480
Los discursos del presente, un análisis de los imaginarios sociales
<http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/article/view/236> PDF (ESPAÑOL)
Valeria Yarad Jeada 480-485
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