[liberationtech] Facebook available as a Tor hidden service

Matt Mackall mpm at selenic.com
Fri Oct 31 11:31:27 PDT 2014

On Fri, 2014-10-31 at 10:12 -0600, Robert W. Gehl wrote:
> I tried to login (with a fake account I maintain for just such a
> purpose). "Your account is temporarily locked," it says. I get that; it
> appears I'm trying to login from a strange location.

I've asked some people connected to the project about this and they want
to remind everyone that the project is "evolutionary and slightly
flaky". Also "the goal is that we keep the service up and accessible to
people coming from Tor but not that we avoid flagging potentially odd
user behaviour".

Facebook also lets you get past this checkpoint with two-factor
authentication. Most of FB's two-factor methods involve a de-anonymizing
SMS, but in theory Google Authenticator works totally off-line so can be
safely used here. Someone with more familiarity with Authenticator can

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