[liberationtech] FSI | CDDRL | Liberationtech: Using ICT Infrastructure to ImproveGovernance in the Education Sector in Pakistan

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Oct 27 10:00:05 PDT 2014

Using ICT Infrastructure to Improve Governance in the Education Sector in 

Ali Inam, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan

October 28, 2014 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Goldman Conference Room, Stanford University

Open to the public.
RSVP at http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/events/registration/218237 by 5 PM 
October 27.


Punjab, the most populous province in Pakistan, is leading the use of 
technology to address every day governance problems in multiple sectors, 
especially education. Relying on the ubiquitous ICT infrastructure in the 
province, citizen participation in public services has been increased 
drastically. This talk will highlight some of the leading technology 
innovations led by Punjab government - a view on governance in Pakistan not 
covered by the media.


Inam is the director of the Technology for the People Initiative (TPI), 
which is a university-wide center at LUMS enabling multi-disciplinary 
faculty-led teams, students and individuals to explore technology 
interventions in partnerhsip with the public sector.  In the past, Inam has 
worked closely with the Punjab and Sindh government as an ICT consultant to 
promote governance reform using technology, such as using feedback to 
reduce corruption. He has led multiple initiatives that focus on leveraging 
technology to increase citizen engagement and government transparency. Inam 
is from Lahore and holds a bachelor's degree of science from LUMS.

This event is sponsored by the Center on Democracy, Development, and the 
Rule of Law and the Center for South Asia.

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