[liberationtech] (This message is more Liberation than Tech) Re: LibTech organizations outreach to Stanford students
Kate Krauss
katie at critpath.org
Thu Oct 16 09:15:50 PDT 2014
Hi Zak,
For this club and others--At the liberation end of liberation tech, there
is a need for more online social media advocacy for Egyptian activists who
are stuck in prison. Here is a short piece I just uploaded to Medium about
one guy, a 26 year-old Egyptian-American named Mohamed Soltan.
“Shot by Both Sides: An American Activist in Egypt”
Here is an article about him from AFP <http://www.afp.com/en/node/2919681>:
There are lots more Egyptian activists who could use international
solidarity online; trying to spread the word,
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Zak Whittington <zakwhitt at stanford.edu>
> Hi LibTech-
> Last year I started the digital activism club at Stanford called ALT. This
> September we're going to be recruiting at the annual Stanford Activities
> Fair, which thousands of students show up to.
> We're looking for merchandise/"swag" to hand out at the fair to interested
> students. Tech-related stuff like laptop stickers and webcam covers would
> be preferred, but hats/shirts/flyers/flags/whatever would be great too.
> We'd love to help your organization if it's interested in getting noticed
> by more Stanford students. This would be a win-win for both of us as it's
> free, targeted advertising for you, and helps attract people to our booth
> for us.
> Last year we got 70 people who were interested enough in LibTech to sign
> up to our mailing list right at the booth. We're expecting a greater number
> this year.
> Shoot me an email if you're interested or have questions.
> Best,
> Zak Whittington
> Founder/Co-Leader, Association for Liberation Technologies (ALT)
> Stanford Class of '15 -- Political Science + Computer Science
> --
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