[liberationtech] Jim McGuigan on Raymond Williams (CAMRI Seminar Oct 15)

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Wed Oct 8 05:44:08 PDT 2014

"It is reasonable to see many dangers in the years towards 2000, but it 
is also reasonable to see many grounds for hope."
-- Raymond Williams (1983): Towards 2000

The Work of Raymond Williams
Jim McGuigan
CAMRI Seminar
Wed, October 15, 2014
Univ. of Westminster
Harrow Campus
Room A7.01

Registration: per e-mail to christian.fuchs at uti.at until Oct 13


In "Towards 2000", Raymond Williams took a look back at the 20th century 
and a look forward at possible futures in the 21st century, discussing 
aspects of society, culture, the media, politics, labour, democracy, 
technology, class, and warfare. Above all, "Towards 2000" is guided by a 
quest for socialism.

In the CAMRI seminar on October 15th, Jim McGuigan - one of the leading 
Raymond Williams experts - will talk about the forthcoming 
re-publication of "Towards 2000" (2014) that he edited, the collected 
volume "Raymond Williams on Culture & Society: Essential Writings" 
(2013) that he also edited, as well as the relevance of Raymond 
Williams' works today.

In this session, Jim McGuigan will survey Williams’s work and its 
enduring relevance to media and cultural analysis and why Williams’ 1983 
book was mistakenly entitled 'Towards 2000', since it is as fresh and 
relevant to understanding the world now as it was when originally published.

Jim has recently edited a collection of writings for Sage selected from 
the whole of Raymond Williams’s career, 'Raymond Williams on Culture and 
Society'. He has also edited and added to Williams’s 'Towards 2000', 
originally published in 1983, to be republished this year with the new 
title, 'A Short Counter-Revolution – Towards 2000 Revisited', also by Sage.

Jim has also written several critical appreciations of Williams’s work, 
some of which have appeared in recent issues of 'Keywords', the journal 
of the Raymond Williams Society, and 'The Sociological Review'.

His previous book publications include 'Cultural Populism' (1992), 
'Culture and the Public Sphere' (1996), 'Modernity and Postmodern 
Culture' (1999, 2006), 'Rethinking Cultural Policy' (2004), 'Cool 
Capitalism' (2009) and 'Cultural Analysis' (2010). He is currently 
writing a book for Palgrave Macmillan to be entitled, 'Neoliberal Culture'.

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