[liberationtech] Gender and Technology Pop-up Institute

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Fri Oct 3 07:35:37 PDT 2014


Tactical Tech, in collaboration with the Association for Progressive
Communications (APC), are organising a *7-day event* for up to 50 women
and trans people to learn tools and techniques for increasing their
understanding and practice in digital security and privacy and to become
digital security trainers and privacy advocates.

December 1-8, 2014.

Berlin, Germany

*Who is the event for?*
This is for influential and vocal *women and trans people*, who are
women's rights activists and/or net activists, and who would like to be
trained as *digital security trainers and advocates of privacy* in order
to strengthen their work and the local networks/organisations they are
related to.

If you are interested in joining this event, at least four of the
following criteria should describe you:

* You take an active lead in your communities and networks, know your
way around the internet, and also know that security and privacy
problems can threaten your advocacy and activism and needs to be addressed.

* You are comfortable with public speaking or training groups, and would
like to expand your knowledge and skills, to be able to advise your
communities and networks on issues around privacy and data protection.

* You have strong online and offline networks and support other
organisations and individuals who could benefit from digital security
and privacy advice.

* You are the kind of person who understands the tech, or are a
techie/hacker, but don't necessarily know how to explain digital
security and privacy issues so that others can understand and practice it.

* You understand and practise digital security and privacy but want to
update and further strengthen your tech and training skills.

* You are a workshop facilitator or are training on closely related
topics and consider yourself tech-savvy, and want to add digital
security and privacy from a gender perspective to your skill-set.

*What will happen there?*
The main aim of the Pop-up Institute is to build a community of digital
security trainers and privacy advocates, taking into account the
gendered dimensions of privacy and security.

The Institute will provide you with tools, resources and techniques that
you can use in your own workshops or trainings, and it will enable you
to understand the issues and communicate more effectively.

The Institute will run for one week, with three days dedicated to
digital security-technology  training (catering to both new and more
practised users of digital security), and three days dedicated to
training of trainers (ToT) and advocacy tools and techniques.

In the latter half you will be able to develop your skills and knowledge
so that you can conduct your own digital security training or  convene
formal and informal conversations about privacy, risks and
vulnerabilities online and offline, and how to mitigate these.  The
group will split at times to accommodate different skill sets and
learning outcomes.

Everyone will work together during this event to participate in
co-designing curricula and resource materials with Tactical Tech and APC
for use with other women and trans people, and movements around gender
justice and freedom of information and expression.

*What will happen after the event is over?*
Participants attending the Institute are expected to take what they have
learned and apply it to their work within their own communities or networks.

Depending on your focus during the event, this would include activities
like 'flash trainings', advising on privacy issues, running your own
digital security trainings, raising awareness through writing, online or
offline campaigns and so on.

Participants are also expected to participate in the community of
digital security trainers and privacy advocates that will emerge from
this Institute by providing feedback and support to its members.  This
community will document its activities and share its processes to enable
other women and trans people to engage with digital security and privacy
issues and practices.

*How will the participants for the Institute be selected?*
All the applications will be reviewed by an advisory group comprised of
APC, Tactical Tech and a few experts working in overlapping sectors of
gender, technology and advocacy. They will select people based on the
criteria listed above, their skill level and experience, the networks
and communities they are professionally connected to, and will ensure
group diversity.

*How much will this cost me?*
Tactical Tech and APC will support 45 people from emerging networks in
Africa, post-Soviet states, the Arabic-speaking region, South &
South-East Asia, Latin America and the Carribean to attend this event.
We will cover travel and accommodation costs, and support you in
obtaining a visa, if required. We are also inviting an additional 5-10
self- or organisation-funded individuals (from any region) to join us.

*Will there be interpreters?*
English will be the working language of the event and no
interpreters/translators will be available. Therefore, before applying
you should carefully consider whether you feel at ease listening to and
speaking English in large group environments. The Gender and Technology
Pop-up Institute will enable the development of new trainings on digital
security and privacy in 2015 in specific regional locations depending on
the demand. Watch this space! For updates, sign up to Tactical Tech's
monthly magazine, In the Loop (sent by email and also available online)
https://tacticaltech.org/in-the-loop .

*Where can I sign up?*
If you are interested in attending this week-long institute, please fill
in the application form

*Any further questions*
If you have any further questions, please contact us at:
gpscamp at tacticaltech.org


Jabber: _anne_ at jabber.ccc.de

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