[liberationtech] TrueCrypt Alternatives?

Eleanor Saitta ella at dymaxion.org
Thu Oct 2 06:54:33 PDT 2014

Hash: SHA256

On 2014.10.01 04.22, Greg wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2014, at 2:48 PM, Eleanor Saitta <ella at dymaxion.org> 
> wrote:
>> I don't have any field stories that I have permission to share, 
>> but yes, I've heard of specific incidents.
> Incidents involving our software?

No, incidents involving "deniable" encryption systems.

>> More generally, it represents an utter lack of awareness on the 
>> part of developers for the security risk analysis choices faced
>> by individuals actually at risk.
> What lack of awareness?
> How about you actually try the software before you go around 
> insulting it and its developers?

Have you done field research on the real-world outcomes of deniable
encryption systems and how they shape the outcome of hostile field
interrogation?  If so, I'd love to see the research that you've done
that justifies the feature set you've selected, because this would be
a seriously amazing addition to the field (I'm completely sincere here).

95+% of the time when I see people talking about deniability, they
have no direct field experience to back up their assertions of
utility, and the arguments they make look exactly like yours.  If
you're going to contest my statement, feel free to provide reliable
field data.  Short of that, you're simply wrong here.

> You are welcome to criticize our software based on knowledge and 
> experience that you actually have, but don't go around making up 
> nonsense and applying said nonsense to software that you admit
> having not tried.

So, game theory is all well and good, but you'll have to excuse me if
I note that adversaries in the field that are likely to rip your
fingernails off don't do game theory proofs.  Again, field data or


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Ideas are my favorite toys.


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