[liberationtech] Prof. Eben Moglen on Snowden & NSA spying

Peter Lindener lindener.peter at gmail.com
Tue May 27 22:12:07 PDT 2014


    There are plenty of very capable as well as influential faculty at
Stanford who follow this LibTech list...

   So I'm not sure one needs to kill a tree in order to be heard.....
after all Stanford is a rather exceptional place!...
mostly because they DO invite people like Prof. Eben Moglen to speak....and
to top that off...they most often make it clear that the talk is also open
to the public...  Thanks Dr. Diamond! (CDRL)

    While sometimes I have wondered if Stanford's faculty always tend to
listen...in the longer run...I've learned how often they eventually do....
   So keep the faith...and lets also not cut down the tree required to type
up the letter.


On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Conor Kennedy <conorusa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Better send a typewritten letter
> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Peter Lindener <lindener.peter at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Wow... Dr. Moglen needs to be invited to speak at Stanford!
>> YouTub Video of lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCUJn-5By14
>> Lecture's Web site: http://snowdenandthefuture.info/
>> Essay in the Guardian:
>> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/may/27/-sp-privacy-under-attack-nsa-files-revealed-new-threats-democracy
>> -Peter
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