[liberationtech] Hack the Hood
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Thu May 22 09:11:46 PDT 2014
From: Susan Mernit <susan at oaklandlocal.com>
I have some really exciting news to share! You many know that I
co-founded an amazing youth leadership and economic development
program in Oakland called Hack the Hood in 2012. Hack the Hood
provides tech and media skills training to low-income youth, who then
apply their new knowledge immediately when they build websites for
small local businesses.
I really believe in this program, and I really want to see it grow.
That is why I'm so thrilled to tell you that Hack the Hood is one of
the Top 10 Finalists in the Google Bay Area Impact Challenge! As a
finalist, we will receive $250,000 as well as co-working space,
training, pro-bono services, and access to Google volunteers. All
this will support us as we expand our program to cover all five
counties in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are committing to work
with local partners to train 5,000 youth to build websites for 25,000
small businesses in the next couple of years.
But we need your help!
Today Google is launching a voting competition where YOU can select
which four of the top 10 finalists receive an additional $250,000. We
ask you to cast your vote right now.
Please help us spread the word about this campaign. We've set up a
new site for this campaign, so after you cast your vote, please visit
us at votehackthehood.com
Thank you in advance for your support.
In Solidarity,
Susan Mernit
PS, if you are local to the Bay Area and want to help us celebrate and
spread the word, please join us for a campaign volunteer event at Tech
Liminal tonight from 7-8pm to learn how.
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