[liberationtech] Google keeps the chat history even you enabled the OTR

Anthony Papillion anthony at cajuntechie.org
Fri May 9 03:13:20 PDT 2014

On May 9, 2014, at 4:42, Ximin Luo <infinity0 at pwned.gg> wrote:

> On 09/05/14 02:31, Anthony Papillion wrote:
>> On 05/08/2014 08:23 PM, Doug Schuler wrote:
>>> Realistically we need to develop an entire suite of publicly owned
>>> tools. Could the development and implementation be massively
>>> distributed?
>>> Or is it over?   We lost all the other media....
>>> "In just a few short years, starting in 1998, this company has
>>> grown to employ almost 50,000 people worldwide, generated sixty
>>> billion dollars in revenue last year, and has a current market
>>> capitalization of more than 350 billion dollars. Google is not only
>>> the biggest search engine in the world, but along with Youtube (the
>>> second biggest search engine in the world) it also has the largest
>>> video platform, with Chrome the biggest browser, with Gmail the
>>> most widely used e-mail provider, and with Android the biggest
>>> operating system for mobile devices."     From:  An open letter to
>>> Eric Schmidt: Why we fear Google
>> I fear we've already lost. I used to think that it would just take
>> some sort of major scandal to wake people up to the fact that
>> relinquishing their privacy wasn't such a good idea. Then, I thought,
>> they'd stand up in outrage and take their privacy back with
>> pitchforks. Then Snowden showed up and nothing really happened. Most
>> people didn't actually change the things they do because, well, it's
>> not convenient.
>> I see a future where the world, not just the digital world, is  
>> divided
>> into two camps: those who are technically literate and willing to  
>> take
>> the sometimes inconvenient steps to protect their privacy and those
>> who aren't.  The first group will be in the minority but will enjoy
>> privacy and anonymity while the second group will be pretty much at
>> the mercy of whoever can figure out how to access their data.
> Please stop moaning and do something about it instead.

I don't see it as moaning. If we are going to fight back, we need to  
look at reality. The reality us that I can write all the software I  
want and I can rah-rah team all day but none of that is going to make  
people care or get invested in their own privacy. 

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