[liberationtech] Google keeps the chat history even you enabled the OTR

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Thu May 8 18:23:59 PDT 2014

Realistically we need to develop an entire suite of publicly owned tools. Could the development and implementation be massively distributed?

Or is it over?   We lost all the other media....

"In just a few short years, starting in 1998, this company has grown to employ almost 50,000 people worldwide, generated sixty billion dollars in revenue last year, and has a current market capitalization of more than 350 billion dollars. Google is not only the biggest search engine in the world, but along with Youtube (the second biggest search engine in the world) it also has the largest video platform, with Chrome the biggest browser, with Gmail the most widely used e-mail provider, and with Android the biggest operating system for mobile devices."     From:  An open letter to Eric Schmidt: Why we fear Google

On May 8, 2014, at 4:06 PM, carlo von lynX wrote:

> On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 08:15:04AM -0500, Anthony Papillion wrote:
>> The bottom line is that, bug or not, privacy conscious people need to
>> simply stay away from Google. And I don't mean just Google Search or
>> Chat. I mean /all/ of Google, Everything they offer.
> AFAICT that's not enough. You need to make sure the cookies
> are grilled because every single googleapisomething using
> scripts, fonts etc from the google cdn may like to fingerprint
> you as you pick the stuff up. even if you grill the cookies
> your combination of browser, ip, screen resolution etc is
> enough. so either you filter google domains entirely, or you
> use tor combined with a cookie filter. btw, does anyone have
> suitable privoxy filters? i tried to write some radical
> reject-all-google-domains rules, but they don't work. not
> only are all browsers p0wned by google, even privoxy is..  ;-D
> -- 
> 	    http://youbroketheinternet.org
> ircs://psyced.org/youbroketheinternet
> -- 
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Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

Public Sphere Project

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