[liberationtech] Google keeps the chat history even you enabled the OTR

David Dahl ddahl at nulltxt.se
Thu May 8 06:09:25 PDT 2014

I think if you are concerned about privacy, Google is the last provider
of chat or email you should use. There are plenty of providers that take
privacy seriously, shop around.



On 05/08/2014 08:05 AM, Nariman Gharib wrote:
> Hey all,
> Just I want to remind you, Gmail is keeping your chat history even you
> enable the OTR on your gmail chat.
> how? if you going to plus.google.com and on the top right side of the page
> you click on the Hangout, and then select a person who you talked to him
> recently, you can see your all chat history is come up! you can delete
> manually your chat history from there too, but too sides should do the same
> things. I don't know after these things Google will keep our chat history
> or not!!! but I think this is a bug in Gmail service.
> Thanks
> Nariman

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