[liberationtech] One third IT managers think can Cloud compute with encrypted data

Caspar Bowden (lists) lists at casparbowden.net
Sun May 4 08:25:31 PDT 2014

On 04/05/14 17:19, Caspar Bowden (lists) wrote:
> I downloaded Ponemon/Thales new survey of n=4275 IT managers (United 
> States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Brazil, 
> and Russia)  a couple of days ago by registering here 
> <https://t.co/8rI2Z8vy1j>, but they appear to have now pulled the report.
> It is remarkable that one third IT managers not only think that it is 
> possible to compute with encrypted data, but that they are doing so 
> already.
> Here's the relevant text (red is my emphasis) and screenshot with graphs
> [If they don't understand this, what else don't they understand about 
> their organization's security?]
> CB
>     *Who controls the encryption keys*
>     Figure 24 examines the issue of control over encryption keys in
>     the cloud environment for both encryption of data
>     at rest and encryption of data at the application level.
>     Thirty-four percent of respondents believe their organization
>     is in control of encryption keys for *both* data encrypted at the
>     *application level* and at rest in the cloud
>     environment. Another 28 percent and 29 percent believe control of
>     encryption keys is a *shared activity between**
>     **the organization and the cloud provider*. Only 19 percent and 17
>     percent of respondents, respectively, view the
>     cloud provider as having control over encryption keys for either
>     encryption at the application level or for data at
>     rest
>     [Figure 24]
>     Figure 25 shows German organizations are the most likely to say
>     their organizations have control of encryption
>     keys *at the application level *and for data at rest in the cloud.
>     Brazilian respondents are the least likely to say their
>     organizations have control over encryption keys at the application
>     level and for data at rest in the cloud.
>     *Figure 25. Percentage of respondents who say their organization
>     is in control of encryption keys*
>     Consolidated analysis for encryption at *both the application
>     level* and for data at rest in the cloud by country
>     sample
>     [Figure 25]

Hmm, that didn't work embedded - trying as attachment

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