[liberationtech] Satori - distributed tamper-resistant circumvention tools

Nick liberationtech at njw.me.uk
Sat May 3 22:02:41 PDT 2014

Quoth Griffin Boyce:
> Nick wrote:
> >Can you definitely not sign extensions with a private key?
>   This is not an option available to any of my extensions or apps,
> unfortunately.  There's reference to it in the documentation, but
> I've never seen this as an option for apps or for my developer
> account.

https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/crx is the documentation 
that mentions the signing. There are a couple of scripts there that 
will create a signed .crx file. I also wrote one a while ago[0].

I don't know how crx files integrate with Google's developer account 
or Google store / play / whatever stuff, as I've not used them, but 
IIRC if you distribute the extension yourself, any updates have to 
be signed by the same private key.

0.  http://git.njw.me.uk/cgit/cgit.cgi/simplyread/tree/chromium/makecrx.sh 

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