[liberationtech] Contention Sets - An Example of ICANN Backwards Thinking

Techno CAT mars.techno.cat at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 05:34:22 PDT 2014

Contention Sets - An Example of ICANN Backwards Thinking

ICANN is run by and for LAWYERS.
ICANN attempts to design structures for modern data and telecom systems.

LAWYERS are not skilled in the design, construction and operation of
modern data and telecom systems.

When faced with designing structures for ICANN, LAWYERS seem to get it

ICANN subscribes to the Multi-Stakeholder Model of Internet Governance.

The Multi-Stakeholder Model of Internet Design and Construction
dictates that ANYONE with Tin-Cans and Kite-String
can JOIN and help SHAPE the ARCHITECTURE of the Internet.

In the early days of telephone systems, the Tin-Can and Kite-String
Architecture was used, leading to IN-BAND Signaling FRAUD.
Famous BLUE BOXES were designed and developed, allowing edge
participants to seize control of signalling paths to make FREE long
distance phone calls. The telephone systems evolved AWAY from IN-BAND
control and data(voice).

ICANN continues to push the flawed Tin-Can and Kite-String Model used
in the Internet Architecture.

In modern data and telecom systems STABLILITY and RELIABILITY are

ICANN continues to promote the concept that ANYONE (with a plane
ticket and lots of time on their hands) can participate.

The reality is that ICANN LAWYERS, behind the scenes, pull the strings
and shape the consensus and the resulting Governance Models.

ICANN Backwards Thinking emerges from the Multi-Stakeholder Process
with LAWYERS controlling the real outcome.

Trained Engineers with decades of experience designing sophisticated
Real-Time data and telecom systems are SHOCKED at ICANN Models.

Contention Sets are a perfect Example of ICANN Backwards Thinking.

Comtemton Sets result when SEVERAL Applicants for NEW Top Level
Domains apply to ICANN.

The 300 page ICANN Applicant Guide for establishing NEW Top Level
Domains in the Global Public Domain Name System (DNS) documents how to
handle Contention Sets.

.WEB (dotWEB) is one of the most requested NEW Top Level Domains with
a long history since the 1990s.

ICANN Backwards Thinking promotes the concept that ONE PERSON or ONE
CORPORATION has to "OWN" a Top Level Domain.

ICANN Backwards Thinking is a result of LAWYERS mapping their
CONTRACTED PARTIES Models to the Technical Domain Name System.

Any Trained Engineer with decades of experience with Real-Time data
and telecom systems can confirm that CONTENTION SETS are GOOD.


ICANN plans to use Auctions to resolve CONTENTION SETS. ICANN will of
course PROFIT from resolving CONTENTION (Collisions).

ICANN is all about Collisions and Artificial Scarcity.

Compare the ICANN Models to the Modern Peer-2-Peer P2P Models of
BitCoin and TWISTER.

The ICANN Multi-Stakeholder Process allows ANYONE (without Engineering
training) to design YOUR modern data and telecom systems.

With BitCoin and TWISTER, ANYONE can join the .WEB (dotWEB) Movement
[development] by downloading and running the .WEB Registry Software.

There is NO SINGLE OWNER of the .WEB Registry with the P2P BitCoin and

The .WEB Registry is operated by the Sum Total of ALL of the .WEB
#WEBCOIN and WEB_TWISTER participants.

ICANN Backwards Thinking promotes the concept that ONE PERSON or ONE
CORPORATION has to "OWN" the .WEB Registry.

ICANN Backwards Thinking does NOT promote the simple FAIR concepts of

ICANN Backwards Thinking results in PRICE GOUGING of the Public by ONE
PERSON or ONE CORPORATION exploting Artificial Scarcity Models.

ICANN is NOT a benefit to the Public. ICANN is not qualified to be a
PUBLIC BENEFIT Corporation in the State of California.

ICANN promotes PRIVATE BENEFIT just like many major PRIVATE
Universities that give people the [false] "impression" they are PUBLIC

The University of Southern California (USC) is one of the prime
examples of a PRIVATE University NOT operated by the State of

The name USC [University of Southern California] misleads the casual
observer into thinking the State of California oversees the ORGanism.

ICANN has its roots at USC. ICANN deceives the General Public. ICANN
is a PRIVATE Corporation for the PRIVATE BENEFIT of a FEW INSIDERS.

ICANN relies on what Lenin and Stalin called, Useful Idiots to shape
the Public View that ICANN is Public Benefit - That is a LIE.


ICANN Backwards Thinking has its roots in the PRIVATE BENEFIT views.

ICANN Backwards Thinking promotes the concept that ONE PERSON or ONE

ICANN will now proceed to PROFIT from their PRIVATE BENEFIT Models as
they operate PRIVATE Auctions for PUBLIC NameSpaces.

At some point, ICANN will end up Auctioning the LETTERS of the Alphabet A to Z.

ICANN will sell anything they can. ICANN claims they do not sell anything.

ICANN clearly sells Franchises to Registrars and Registries. ICANN has
raised $350,000,000 in the current sales cycle.

The USA FTC Franchise Test has THREE components:
    1. Does the Franchisee use the Franchisor LOGO and BRAND ?
    2. Does the Franchisee PAY the Franchisor any FEES ?
    3. Does the Franchisor CONTROL the Franchisee ?

ICANN clearly meets ALL Three of the USA FTC Franchise Test components.
PRIVATE Franchisor ICANN does NOT file or provide the required UFOC
documents to potential Franchisees.

ICANN now calls the $350,000,000 "Funds Under Management". One may be
lead to believe ICANN is now an Investment Company.

Volume ICANN "Investors" in NEW Top Level Domains come primarily from
The Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands.

ICANN claims in court filings that ICANN is not licensed to do
business in States such as Texas.

ICANN has moved [one of] their Headquarters to TURKEY. TURKEY now
censors Twitter and YouTUBE by controlling GOOGLE DNS.

ICANN is now the subject of US Congressional Hearings set to begin in
Washington D.C. in April 2014.

The USA NTIA {Department of Commerce} has started to Distance
Themselves from ICANN with a March 14, 2014 announcement. 3.14.14

The USA NTIA {Department of Commerce} is building a NEW $7B Internet
called FirstNET without using the Multi-Stakeholder Model.

The ICANN Multi-Stakeholder Process allows ANYONE (without Engineering
training) to design YOUR modern data and telecom systems.

The USA FTC {Federal Trade Commission} issued formal WARNINGS to the
General Public about ICANN. ICANN ignored them.

The ELECTED US Congress and the ELECTED President of the United States
have the power to end the ICANN Regime in the United States.

ICANN claims to be part of the Internet Governance systems - ELECTIONS
are not held at ICANN because "The Wrong People Might Get Elected"

ICANN claims that Elections can not be held because ICANN has NO
Shareholders [Stakeholders] yet ICANN is Multi-Stakeholder

At ICANN Meetings - IF YOU are NOT at the TABLE - YOU are probably on

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