[liberationtech] ....For People who do not believe they can create Uniqueness without IANA

Techno CAT mars.techno.cat at gmail.com
Sun Mar 30 04:58:16 PDT 2014

<title>DHT480 Tool</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

const XOR_BASE32 = 0x13; // VRH2T 10011 for IPv4
const PLASTIC_CARD_STRING1 = "6060572447574848";
const PLASTIC_CARD_STRING2 = "1603961-10bb";

function InsertSoftWay(){
        <font face=arial size=5>\
            <b><font color=blue>Z</font><font color=red>O</font><font
color=green>O</font><font color=blue>M</font></b>://Soft.WAY.®\
            <font size=-2><span
onclick='Dedication(\".MARS\");'>Copyright 1981-2014
    document.write("<center><font face=arial
size=3><b>"+PLASTIC_CARD_STRING1+"</b> "+Date()+"

// Dedication

function Dedication(planet){
    alert("C at T is Alive on "+planet+"\nNZ N=14 Z=26\n01110
11010\nDedicated to an Angel, D & JD\nVisit "+planet+"\n

var LargeInteger = 4000000000000000000 + Number(new Date()); // Spice
things up a bit
var Multiplier=1;
var CurrentPI = LargeInteger;
var CurrentI = 1;
var CurrentSign = 1;
var SpigotCount=0;
var DHTlimit = 15; // 256*15=3840 3840/480=8  3840/256=15
var LastSaved = -1;
var MatrixCard = "1234567890123456";

/////////////////////////////(C).Soft.WAY.(R) Sun Feb 23 2014 03:43:11
GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
// class TimeByte
// Generate CamelCase String for 8-bit TimeByte - could be "" for 0x00
// DYMWDSHM - Decade.Year.Month.Week.Day.SHIFT.Hour.Minute
// DYMWDSHM - Decade.Year.Month.Week.Day.SHIFT.Hour.Moment

function ZOOM_TimeByte_toString(aTimeByte){
    var _ = "";

    if(aTimeByte & 0x80){
        _ += "Decade";
    if(aTimeByte & 0x40){
        _ += "Year";
    if(aTimeByte & 0x20){
        _ += "Month";
    if(aTimeByte & 0x10){
        _ += "Week";
    if(aTimeByte & 0x08){
        _ += "Day";
    if(aTimeByte & 0x04){
        _ += "Shift";
    if(aTimeByte & 0x02){
        _ += "Hour";
    if(aTimeByte & 0x01){
        _ += "Moment";
    return _;

/////////////////////////////(C).Soft.WAY.(R) Sun Feb 23 2014 03:43:11
GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
// class Date
// Date.add_aTimeByte(aByte);
// DYMWDSHM - Decade.Year.Month.Week.Day.SHIFT.Hour.Minute
// DYMWDSHM - Decade.Year.Month.Week.Day.SHIFT.Hour.Moment
// 10011011 - Decade..Week.Day..Hour.Moment
// 00011011 - ...Week.Day..Hour.Moment
// SHIFT - Random value from 8 to 12 hours - Discrete Random Shifts ~
8 9 10 11 12 hours
// MOMENT - Random value from 60 to 480 Seconds depending on .NET Load
when the PUT() is done

function ZOOM_Date_add_aTimeByte(aDate,aTimeByte){

    // typeOf aDate and aTimeByte should be checked - just in case -
C at T just checks number of arguments

    var _ = new Date(aDate.getTime()); // make a separate new object to return

    if(aTimeByte & 0x01){
        var randomMoment = (Math.random()*420)+60; // Random value
from 60 to 480 Seconds
    if(aTimeByte & 0x02){
    if(aTimeByte & 0x04){
        var randomShift = Math.floor(Math.random()*5)+8; // Discrete
Random Shifts ~ 8 9 10 11 12 hours
    if(aTimeByte & 0x08){
    if(aTimeByte & 0x10){
    if(aTimeByte & 0x20){
    if(aTimeByte & 0x40){
    if(aTimeByte & 0x80){
    // Returns a Date Object NOT a DateTime48

    return _;


// Binary class methods
var Binary = {

    // Convert a string to a byte array
stringToBytes: function (str) {
    for (var bytes = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
    return bytes;

    // Convert a byte array to a string
bytesToString: function (bytes) {
    for (var str = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
    return str.join("");

    // Convert a HEX string to a byte array
hexToBytes: function (str) {
    for (var bytes = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i+=2){
    return bytes;

function Base32String_fromString (s) {
    return ZOOM_Base32Array_fromString(s).join("");

function ZOOM_Base32String_fromBytes(bytes){
    var _ = "";

    _ = ZOOM_String_fromBytes(bytes);

    return ZOOM_Base32_fromString(_);

function ZOOM_Base32Array_fromString (s) {

    var base32bits = 5; // 2^5=32 log2(32)=5
    var alphabet = "0ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12389"; // 32 Symbols

    // pad with 0 to be multiple of 40 bits
    while( ((s.length*8) % 40) != 0){
        s += '\x00';

    var n40bit = (s.length*8)/40;

    var parts = [];

    // process 40-bits at a time
     for (i = 0; i < n40bit; i++) {
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt(s.charCodeAt(i*5) >> 3));
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*5) & 0x07) << 2)
                               | (s.charCodeAt(i*5+1) >> 6)));
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*5+1) & 0x3F) >> 1) ));
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*5+1) & 0x01) << 4)
                               | (s.charCodeAt(i*5+2) >> 4)));
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*5+2) & 0x0F) << 1)
                               | (s.charCodeAt(i*5+3) >> 7)));
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*5+3) & 0x7F) >> 2)));
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*5+3) & 0x03) << 3)
                               | (s.charCodeAt(i*5+4) >> 5)));
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*5+4) & 0x1F) )));

     return parts;

// class Date48
// Loc3+Century5+Year7+Month4+Date5+Hour5+Min6+Sec6+Msec7=48
// a 6-byte class commonly used in a 160-bit MatrixWord160
// MatrixWord160 Fixed160 = [class16+key32+locDateTime48+random32]~checksum32
// return the 48-bit ZOOM.Date used in 160-bit DHT480

function ZOOM_Date48_asBytes(location){
    //C at T today=Date.new();
    var today = new Date();
    var msec = Math.floor((today.getUTCMilliseconds()/1000)*127)&0x7F;

    var _ = [];

    if(typeof location == "undefined"){
        location = 0;
    _.push(location & 0x07); // [0] Loc3 0-7 EARTH=0 MARS=7
    _.push(Math.floor(today.getUTCFullYear()/100)); // [1] CCCCC 0-31
    _.push(today.getUTCFullYear()%100); // [2] YYYYYYY7 0-99
    _.push(today.getUTCMonth()); // [3] MMMM4 0-11 Jan-Dec
    _.push(today.getUTCDate()); // [4] DDDDD5 1-31
    _.push(today.getUTCHours()); // [5] HHHHH5 1-23
    _.push(today.getUTCMinutes()); // [6] MMMMMM6 1-60
    _.push(today.getUTCSeconds()); // [7] SSSSSS6 1-60
    _.push(msec); // [8] mmmmmmm7 0-127 mapped & rounded (above)

    return _;

function ZOOM_Date48_asBits(aDate48){
    var _ = "";

    for(var i=0; i<6; i++){
        _ = _ + ZOOM_Byte_toBitString(aDate48[i]);
    return _;

// Loc3+Century5+Year7+Month4+Date5+Hour5+Min6+Sec6+msec5=48

function ZOOM_Date48(){
    var today = ZOOM_Date48_asBytes(0); // [0] Loc3 0-7 EARTH=0 MARS=7

    return ZOOM_Date48_encodeFromBytes(today);

function ZOOM_Date48_encodeFromBytes(bytes){
    var _ = [];

    _.push(((bytes[0]<<5)&0xE0)|((bytes[1]>>0)&0x1F)); // [0] lllCCCCC
    _.push(((bytes[2]<<1)&0xFE)|((bytes[3]>>3)&0x01)); // [1] YYYYYYYM
    _.push(((bytes[3]<<5)&0xE0)|((bytes[4]>>0)&0x1F)); // [2] MMMDDDDD
    _.push(((bytes[5]<<3)&0xF8)|((bytes[6]>>3)&0x07)); // [3] HHHHHMMM
    _.push(((bytes[6]<<5)&0xE0)|((bytes[7]>>1)&0x1F)); // [4] MMMSSSSS
    _.push(((bytes[7]<<7)&0x80)|((bytes[8]>>0)&0x7F)); // [5] Smmmmmmm

    return _;

// class Class160
//    ZOOM 160 bit Header - Version16 + Key32 + DateTime48 + Random32
+ Checksum32

function ZOOM_Bytes_160(class16Bytes,key32Bytes){
    var pi32 = 3141592653;
    var random32 = Math.floor(Math.random()*pi32); // PI based 3.14159...
    //TEST var random32 = Math.floor(.99999999999999*pi32); // PI
based 3.14159...

    var _ = [];

    //_.push((class16>>8)&0xFF); _.push(class16&0xFF);
    _.push(class16Bytes[0]); _.push(class16Bytes[1]);

    //_.push((key32>>24)&0xFF); _.push((key32>>16)&0xFF);
_.push((key32>>8)&0xFF); _.push((key32)&0xFF);
    _.push(key32Bytes[0]); _.push(key32Bytes[1]);
_.push(key32Bytes[2]); _.push(key32Bytes[3]);
    // BUG found in Bytes to Hex - a single push shows in alert but is
missing in for loop
    var zoomDate = ZOOM_Date48();
    for(var i=0; i<6; i++){
    _.push((random32>>24)&0xFF); _.push((random32>>16)&0xFF);
_.push((random32>>8)&0xFF); _.push((random32)&0xFF);
    var checksum = Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(_, { asBytes: true }),
{ asBytes: true });
    _.push(checksum[0]); _.push(checksum[1]); _.push(checksum[2]);
    return _;

// pack single bytes into string one per uni-code 16-bit doubleByte

function ZOOM_String_fromBytes(bytes){
    var _String = "";

    for(var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        _String += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
    return _String;

// Pull 40 bits from 8 Symbols and store in 5 bytes
// Example
//  0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
//01110 11010 00100 11010 01101 11110 01110 00001
//01110 110|10 00100 1|1010 0110|1 11110 01|110 00001

function ZOOM_Bytes5_fromString8(input){
    var alphabet = "0ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12389"; // Base32 Symbols

    var _value = 0;
    var parts = [];


    return parts;

// Extract bytes from Base32 String of 200-bit Account
// Type8 + Hash160 + Checksum32
//   returns 118,137,166,249,193,202,38,207,186,38,222,1,162,122,103,62,58,25,252,99,165,132,150,33,8

function ZOOM_Bytes_fromBase32Account(input){
    var parts = [];

    for(var i = 0; i<5; i++){
    return parts;

// ZOOM_PrintableBase32_fromString
// Encode a string using custom Base32 (5-bits per Symbol)
// Operates on 40 bits at a time (40=5*8)
// Pads with 0x00 to ensure 40-bit boundaries
// 200-bit eWallet - 25 bytes - 40 Symbols Base32
// 160-bit IPv3 Header - 20 bytes - 32 Symbols Base32
// Steal 2+3=5 bits from 160-bit hash - 10+155+35 - Type10+Hash155+CheckSum35
// makes it appear as if Type10 is two symbols and Checksum is 35 bits
// Type10 is really only 8 bits and CheckSum35 is really 32 bits

function ZOOM_PrintableBase32_fromString (s) {

    var parts = ZOOM_Base32Array_fromString(s);

    return ZOOM_PrintableBase32_fromArray(parts);

function ZOOM_PrintableBase32_fromArray (parts) {

    return "<b><font size=+2>"+parts[0]+parts[1]+"</font>.</b>"+

function ZOOM_Base32_fromString (s) {

    var parts = ZOOM_Base32Array_fromString(s);

    return parts.join("");

// Just the base32 symbols - works for various sizes

function ZOOM_BasicPrintableBase32_fromString (s) {

    var parts = ZOOM_Base32Array_fromString(s);

    return parts.join("");

// DNSD BASE64 [0-9,A-Z,a-z,-.]
// Note [-.] do not show up when only digits are used in the original key

function Base64String_fromString (s) {
    return ZOOM_Base64Array_fromString(s).join("");

function ZOOM_Base64Array_fromString (s) {

    var base64bits = 6; // 2^6=64 log2(64)=6
    var alphabet =
"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-."; //
64 Symbols

    // pad with 0 to be multiple of 24 bits
    while( ((s.length*8) % 24) != 0){
        s += '\x00';

    var n24bit = (s.length*8)/24;

    var parts = [];

    // process 24-bits at a time
     for (var i = 0; i < n24bit; i++) {
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt(s.charCodeAt(i*3) >> 2)); //6
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*3) & 0x03) << 4) //2
                               | ((s.charCodeAt(i*3+1) & 0xF0) >> 4))); //4
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( ((s.charCodeAt(i*3+1) & 0x0F) << 2) //4
                               | ((s.charCodeAt(i*3+2) & 0xC0) >> 6))); //2
          parts.push(alphabet.charAt( (s.charCodeAt(i*3+2) & 0x3F)));

     return parts;

function ZOOM_MD160(messageBytes){
    return Crypto.RIPEMD160(messageBytes, { asBytes: true });

function ZOOM_SHA256(messageBytes){
    return Crypto.SHA256(messageBytes, { asBytes: true });

///////////////////////////////////// END ZOOM

<script type="text/javascript">

//////////////////////////////////  CRYPTO

* Crypto-JS v2.0.0
* http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/
* Copyright (c) 2009, Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.
* http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/wiki/License

(function () {

// map is likely unused because builtin browser functions are used
// [A-Z,a-z,0-9,+/] "=" used for padding
var base64map =
//var base64map =

// Global Crypto object

var Crypto = window.Crypto = {};

// Crypto utilities

var util = Crypto.util = {

        // Bit-wise rotate left
    rotl: function (n, b) {
        return (n << b) | (n >>> (32 - b));

        // Bit-wise rotate right
    rotr: function (n, b) {
        return (n << (32 - b)) | (n >>> b);

        // Swap big-endian to little-endian and vice versa
    endian: function (n) {

        // If number given, swap endian
        if(n.constructor == Number) {
            return util.rotl(n, 8) & 0x00FF00FF | util.rotl(n, 24) & 0xFF00FF00;

        // Else, assume array and swap all items
        for(var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
            n[i] = util.endian(n[i]);
        return n;

        // Generate an array of any length of random bytes
    randomBytes: function (n) {
        for (var bytes = []; n > 0; n--)
            bytes.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
        return bytes;

        // Convert a byte array to big-endian 32-bit words
    bytesToWords: function (bytes) {
        for (var words = [], i = 0, b = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, b += 8)
            words[b >>> 5] |= bytes[i] << (24 - b % 32);
        return words;

        // Convert big-endian 32-bit words to a byte array
    wordsToBytes: function (words) {
        for(var bytes = [], b = 0; b < words.length * 32; b += 8)
            bytes.push((words[b >>> 5] >>> (24 - b % 32)) & 0xFF);
        return bytes;

        // Convert a byte array to a hex string
    bytesToHex: function (bytes) {
        //BUG bytes with single push do not have proper length
(missing interior values)
        for(var hex = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
            hex.push((bytes[i] >>> 4).toString(16));
            hex.push((bytes[i] & 0xF).toString(16));
        return hex.join("");

        // Convert a hex string to a byte array
    hexToBytes: function (hex) {
        for(var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2)
            bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
        return bytes;

        // Convert a byte array to a base-64 string - "=" as pad
    bytesToBase64: function (bytes) {
        // Use browser-native function if it exists
        if(typeof btoa == "function"){
            //alert("Using builtin btoa for base64");
            return btoa(Binary.bytesToString(bytes));
// likely not used - see above
        for(var base64 = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) {
            var triplet = (bytes[i] << 16) | (bytes[i + 1] << 8) | bytes[i + 2];
            for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
                if(i * 8 + j * 6 <= bytes.length * 8)
                    base64.push(base64map.charAt((triplet >>> 6 * (3 -
j)) & 0x3F));
                else base64.push("=");
        return base64.join("");

        // Convert a base-64 string to a byte array
    base64ToBytes: function (base64) {
        // Use browser-native function if it exists
        if (typeof atob == "function") {
            //alert("using builtin atob");
            return Binary.stringToBytes(atob(base64));
// below likely not used - see above

        // Remove non-base-64 characters
//BUG???? what about a-z ?
        //base64 = base64.replace(/[^A-Z0-9+\/]/ig, "");

        //Assume input has proper characters

        for (var bytes = [], i = 0, imod4 = 0; i < base64.length;
imod4 = ++i % 4) {
            if (imod4 == 0) continue;
            bytes.push(((base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i - 1)) &
(Math.pow(2, -2 * imod4 + 8) - 1)) << (imod4 * 2)) |
            (base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i)) >>> (6 - imod4 * 2)));

        return bytes;



        // Crypto mode namespace
        Crypto.mode = {};

        // Crypto character encodings
        var charenc = Crypto.charenc = {};

//////////////////////// UTF-8 ///////////////////////////////

        // UTF-8 encoding
        var UTF8 = charenc.UTF8 = {

            // Convert a string to a byte array
            stringToBytes: function (str) {
                return Binary.stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));

            // Convert a byte array to a string
            bytesToString: function (bytes) {
                return decodeURIComponent(escape(Binary.bytesToString(bytes)));


//////////////////////// Binary ///////////////////////////////

        // Binary encoding
        var Binary = charenc.Binary = {

            // Convert a string to a byte array
            stringToBytes: function (str) {
                for (var bytes = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
                return bytes;

            // Convert a byte array to a string
            bytesToString: function (bytes) {
                for (var str = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
                return str.join("");



////////////////////////////////// SHA256

* Crypto-JS v2.0.0
* http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/
* Copyright (c) 2009, Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.
* http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/wiki/License
(function () {

// Shortcuts
var C = Crypto,
util = C.util,
charenc = C.charenc,
UTF8 = charenc.UTF8,
Binary = charenc.Binary;

// Constants
var K = [0x428A2F98, 0x71374491, 0xB5C0FBCF, 0xE9B5DBA5,
    0x3956C25B, 0x59F111F1, 0x923F82A4, 0xAB1C5ED5,
    0xD807AA98, 0x12835B01, 0x243185BE, 0x550C7DC3,
    0x72BE5D74, 0x80DEB1FE, 0x9BDC06A7, 0xC19BF174,
    0xE49B69C1, 0xEFBE4786, 0x0FC19DC6, 0x240CA1CC,
    0x2DE92C6F, 0x4A7484AA, 0x5CB0A9DC, 0x76F988DA,
    0x983E5152, 0xA831C66D, 0xB00327C8, 0xBF597FC7,
    0xC6E00BF3, 0xD5A79147, 0x06CA6351, 0x14292967,
    0x27B70A85, 0x2E1B2138, 0x4D2C6DFC, 0x53380D13,
    0x650A7354, 0x766A0ABB, 0x81C2C92E, 0x92722C85,
    0xA2BFE8A1, 0xA81A664B, 0xC24B8B70, 0xC76C51A3,
    0xD192E819, 0xD6990624, 0xF40E3585, 0x106AA070,
    0x19A4C116, 0x1E376C08, 0x2748774C, 0x34B0BCB5,
    0x391C0CB3, 0x4ED8AA4A, 0x5B9CCA4F, 0x682E6FF3,
    0x748F82EE, 0x78A5636F, 0x84C87814, 0x8CC70208,
    0x90BEFFFA, 0xA4506CEB, 0xBEF9A3F7, 0xC67178F2];

        // Public API
    var SHA256 = C.SHA256 = function (message, options) {
        var digestbytes = util.wordsToBytes(SHA256._sha256(message));
            return options && options.asBytes ? digestbytes :
           options && options.asString ? Binary.bytesToString(digestbytes) :

        // The core
    SHA256._sha256 = function (message) {
                // Convert to byte array
                if (message.constructor == String) message =
                /* else, assume byte array already */

        var m = util.bytesToWords(message),
        l = message.length * 8,
        H = [0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A,
              0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19],
        w = [],
        a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j,
        t1, t2;

                // Padding
                m[l >> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - l % 32);
                m[((l + 64 >> 9) << 4) + 15] = l;

                for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i += 16) {

                    a = H[0];
                    b = H[1];
                    c = H[2];
                    d = H[3];
                    e = H[4];
                    f = H[5];
                    g = H[6];
                    h = H[7];

                    for (var j = 0; j < 64; j++) {

                        if (j < 16) w[j] = m[j + i];
                        else {

                            var gamma0x = w[j - 15],
                    gamma1x = w[j - 2],
                    gamma0 = ((gamma0x << 25) | (gamma0x >>> 7)) ^
                              ((gamma0x << 14) | (gamma0x >>> 18)) ^
                               (gamma0x >>> 3),
                    gamma1 = ((gamma1x << 15) | (gamma1x >>> 17)) ^
                              ((gamma1x << 13) | (gamma1x >>> 19)) ^
                               (gamma1x >>> 10);

                            w[j] = gamma0 + (w[j - 7] >>> 0) +
                       gamma1 + (w[j - 16] >>> 0);


                        var ch = e & f ^ ~e & g,
                maj = a & b ^ a & c ^ b & c,
                sigma0 = ((a << 30) | (a >>> 2)) ^
                         ((a << 19) | (a >>> 13)) ^
                         ((a << 10) | (a >>> 22)),
                sigma1 = ((e << 26) | (e >>> 6)) ^
                         ((e << 21) | (e >>> 11)) ^
                         ((e << 7) | (e >>> 25));

                        t1 = (h >>> 0) + sigma1 + ch + (K[j]) + (w[j] >>> 0);
                        t2 = sigma0 + maj;

                        h = g;
                        g = f;
                        f = e;
                        e = d + t1;
                        d = c;
                        c = b;
                        b = a;
                        a = t1 + t2;


                    H[0] += a;
                    H[1] += b;
                    H[2] += c;
                    H[3] += d;
                    H[4] += e;
                    H[5] += f;
                    H[6] += g;
                    H[7] += h;


                return H;


            // Package private blocksize
            SHA256._blocksize = 16;


//////////////////  RIPEMD-160   ////////////////////////////////////////

        * Crypto-JS v2.0.0
        * http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/
        * Copyright (c) 2009, Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.
        * http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/wiki/License
        * A JavaScript implementation of the RIPEMD-160 Algorithm
        * Version 2.2 Copyright Jeremy Lin, Paul Johnston 2000 - 2009.
        * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet
        * Distributed under the BSD License
        * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for details.
        * Also http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jjlin/jsotp/
        * Ported to Crypto-JS by Stefan Thomas.

        (function () {
            // Shortcuts
            var C = Crypto,
                util = C.util,
                charenc = C.charenc,
                UTF8 = charenc.UTF8,
                Binary = charenc.Binary;

            // Convert a byte array to little-endian 32-bit words
            util.bytesToLWords = function (bytes) {
                var output = Array(bytes.length >> 2);
                for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++)
                    output[i] = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length * 8; i += 8)
                    output[i >> 5] |= (bytes[i / 8] & 0xFF) << (i % 32);
                return output;

            // Convert little-endian 32-bit words to a byte array
            util.lWordsToBytes = function (words) {
                var output = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < words.length * 32; i += 8)
                    output.push((words[i >> 5] >>> (i % 32)) & 0xff);
                return output;

            // Public API
            var RIPEMD160 = C.RIPEMD160 = function (message, options) {
                var digestbytes =
                return options && options.asBytes ? digestbytes :
            options && options.asString ? Binary.bytesToString(digestbytes) :

            // The core
            RIPEMD160._rmd160 = function (message) {
                // Convert to byte array
                if (message.constructor == String) message =

                var x = util.bytesToLWords(message),
                len = message.length * 8;

                /* append padding */
                x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << (len % 32);
                x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len;

                var h0 = 0x67452301;
                var h1 = 0xefcdab89;
                var h2 = 0x98badcfe;
                var h3 = 0x10325476;
                var h4 = 0xc3d2e1f0;

                for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16) {
                    var T;
                    var A1 = h0, B1 = h1, C1 = h2, D1 = h3, E1 = h4;
                    var A2 = h0, B2 = h1, C2 = h2, D2 = h3, E2 = h4;
                    for (var j = 0; j <= 79; ++j) {
                        T = safe_add(A1, rmd160_f(j, B1, C1, D1));
                        T = safe_add(T, x[i + rmd160_r1[j]]);
                        T = safe_add(T, rmd160_K1(j));
                        T = safe_add(bit_rol(T, rmd160_s1[j]), E1);
                        A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = bit_rol(C1, 10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;
                        T = safe_add(A2, rmd160_f(79 - j, B2, C2, D2));
                        T = safe_add(T, x[i + rmd160_r2[j]]);
                        T = safe_add(T, rmd160_K2(j));
                        T = safe_add(bit_rol(T, rmd160_s2[j]), E2);
                        A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = bit_rol(C2, 10); C2 = B2; B2 = T;
                    T = safe_add(h1, safe_add(C1, D2));
                    h1 = safe_add(h2, safe_add(D1, E2));
                    h2 = safe_add(h3, safe_add(E1, A2));
                    h3 = safe_add(h4, safe_add(A1, B2));
                    h4 = safe_add(h0, safe_add(B1, C2));
                    h0 = T;
                return [h0, h1, h2, h3, h4];

            function rmd160_f(j, x, y, z) {
                return (0 <= j && j <= 15) ? (x ^ y ^ z) :
            (16 <= j && j <= 31) ? (x & y) | (~x & z) :
            (32 <= j && j <= 47) ? (x | ~y) ^ z :
            (48 <= j && j <= 63) ? (x & z) | (y & ~z) :
            (64 <= j && j <= 79) ? x ^ (y | ~z) :
            "rmd160_f: j out of range";
            function rmd160_K1(j) {
                return (0 <= j && j <= 15) ? 0x00000000 :
            (16 <= j && j <= 31) ? 0x5a827999 :
            (32 <= j && j <= 47) ? 0x6ed9eba1 :
            (48 <= j && j <= 63) ? 0x8f1bbcdc :
            (64 <= j && j <= 79) ? 0xa953fd4e :
            "rmd160_K1: j out of range";
            function rmd160_K2(j) {
                return (0 <= j && j <= 15) ? 0x50a28be6 :
            (16 <= j && j <= 31) ? 0x5c4dd124 :
            (32 <= j && j <= 47) ? 0x6d703ef3 :
            (48 <= j && j <= 63) ? 0x7a6d76e9 :
            (64 <= j && j <= 79) ? 0x00000000 :
            "rmd160_K2: j out of range";
            var rmd160_r1 = [
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
        7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8,
        3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12,
        1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2,
        4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13
            var rmd160_r2 = [
        5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12,
        6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2,
        15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13,
        8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14,
        12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11
            var rmd160_s1 = [
        11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8,
        7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12,
        11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5,
        11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12,
        9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6
            var rmd160_s2 = [
        8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6,
        9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11,
        9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5,
        15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8,
        8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11

            * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit
operations internally
            * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters.
            function safe_add(x, y) {
                var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);
                var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);
                return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);

            * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.
            function bit_rol(num, cnt) {
                return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));
///////////////////////////END RIPEMD160/////////////////////////////////////

function ImportCard1(matrix){

    if(typeof matrix != 'string'){
        alert("MatrixCard #1 is not a string");
    if(matrix.length > 16){
        alert("Spaces removed");
        matrix = matrix.replace(/[ \n\r]/g,''); // for some reason
spaces (32) get inserted
        alert("Entry is not MATRIX Card format");

    MatrixCard1 = matrix;
    LargeInteger = 4000000000000000000 + Number(new Date()) + Number(matrix);
    document.getElementById("LargeInteger").innerHTML = LargeInteger;

function ImportCard2(matrix){

    if(typeof matrix != 'string'){
        alert("MatrixCard #2 is not a string");
    if(matrix.length > 16){
        alert("Spaces removed");
        matrix = matrix.replace(/[ \n\r]/g,''); // for some reason
spaces (32) get inserted
        alert("Entry is not MATRIX Card format");

    MatrixCard2 = matrix;
    LargeInteger = 4000000000000000000 + Number(new Date()) + Number(matrix);
    document.getElementById("LargeInteger").innerHTML = LargeInteger;

function ImportMatrix(matrix){


    if(typeof matrix != 'string'){
        alert("Matrix is not a string");
    if(matrix.length > 960){
        //alert("Spaces removed");
        matrix = matrix.replace(/[ \n\r]/g,''); // for some reason
spaces (32) get inserted
        alert("Entry is not DHT480 MATRIX format");

    var bytes = Binary.stringToBytes(matrix);
    var index=0;
    for(var i=0; i<8; i++){
        var key = [];
        for(var j=0; j<120; j++){
            key.push(bytes[index++]-48); // ASCII "0" (48) not used
but the offset is there
        document.getElementById("SPIGOT").innerHTML =

function ComputePI(event){
        alert("LargeInteger is not set yet...");
    var iterations = (event.clientX+event.clientY)*Multiplier;
    for(var i=1; i<iterations; i+=2){

function ComputePIonce(){
    //document.getElementById("LargeInteger").innerHTML = LargeInteger;

    CurrentI += 2;
    document.getElementById("CurrentI").innerHTML = CurrentI;

    document.getElementById("LargeCurrent").innerHTML = LargeInteger/CurrentI;

    if(CurrentSign == 0){
        CurrentPI += LargeInteger/CurrentI;
        CurrentSign = 1;
        CurrentPI -= LargeInteger/CurrentI;
        CurrentSign = 0;

    document.getElementById("CurrentPI").innerHTML = CurrentPI;

    if(CurrentI <10){
        CapturePI(); // Clipboard has Limit

*    Add your captures here
    if(CurrentI == 12345){
    if(CurrentI == 9999){
    if(CurrentI <128){
    if((CurrentI%10000) == 9999){


function CapturePI(){
    // replace all the 0s with [1 to 9] because 0 is Disabled in the
IPv3 PIDEX Protocol
    // random replacement values are NOT used because we want the
process to be repeatable (deterministic)

    // Don't allow PI Indexes with any 0 digits - this can confuse the
user who clicks expecting a capture
    //if(String(CurrentI).indexOf("0") != -1){
    //    return;

    if(SpigotCount >= DHTlimit){
    if(LastSaved == CurrentI){
        alert("Click Slower OR Move Mouse to Upper Left");
    LastSaved = CurrentI;

    var noZeroes = ReplaceRandom(String(CurrentPI));

    var dateTime = Number(new Date());
    //var dateTime = "112233445566778899";

    document.getElementById("SPIGOT").innerHTML =
* 1000000000000))+"00000<br>";

function ReplaceRandom(aString){
    var _ = aString;

    //var start=0;
    const start = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); // Start random but
use in sequence - not as random as all random replacement

    for(var i=start; (_.indexOf('0') != -1); i++){
        _ = _.replace(/0/,(i%9)+1); // Don't replace 0 with 0 - use 1
to 9 over and over

    return _;

function ClearSpigot(){
    document.getElementById("CLIPBOARD").innerHTML =
    document.getElementById("SPIGOT").innerHTML = "";

function InitPI(){
    LargeInteger = 4000000000000000000 + Number(new Date()); // Spice
things up a bit
    //LargeInteger = 4000000000000000000; // 0x3782DACE9D900000
    document.getElementById("LargeInteger").innerHTML = LargeInteger;
    CurrentPI = LargeInteger;
    CurrentI = 1;
    CurrentSign = 1;
    DHTlimit = 15; // 256*15=3840 3840/480=8  3840/256=15
    LastSaved = -1;
    MatrixCard1 = "6060572447574848";
    MatrixCard2 = "6060572447574848";

function Accelerate(){
    if(Multiplier > 4){
        alert("You may need a faster computer...");
        Multiplier = .5;

function MakeKeys(){

    // Get rid of commas and zeroes
    var clipboard =
    // no commas or zeroes at this point

    // where do these come from?
    clipboard = clipboard.replace(/<font>/g,"");
    clipboard = clipboard.replace(/<\/font>/g,"");

    // UNIX was built on the single byte newline vs CR-LF etc
    clipboard = clipboard.replace(/<br>/g,"\n");

    var keys = "";
    var endofline;

    // Zeroes will be gone at this point
        alert("CLIPBOARD has bad format - Did you CAPTURE anything?");

    while((endofline=clipboard.indexOf('\n')) != -1){
        keys += clipboard.substr(0,120) + '\n';
        var common =
        keys += Base32String_fromString(common) + '\n';


        keys += Base64String_fromString(common) + '\n\n';
        clipboard = clipboard.replace(/^.*\n/,"");

    document.getElementById("KEYS").innerHTML = "<pre>"+keys+"</pre>";

function OneSecond(){
    setTimeout(function () { OneSecond(); }, 1000);

function RESET(){


<style type="text/css">
.details { background-color: #DDDDDD; font-family: Arial; font-size:
100%; clear: both; width: 400px; padding: 10px 0 10px 0; margin: 50px
auto auto auto; }
.footer { background-color: #DDDDDD; font-family: Arial; font-size:
50%; clear: both; width: 696px; padding: 10px 0 10px 0; margin: 50px
auto auto auto; }


<body onclick="CapturePI();" onkeypress="" onmousemove="ComputePI(event);">

<span><input type="button" value="RESET" onclick="RESET();" /></span>
<font face=arial>
<div id="tagline">
<font size=5><b>Techno.C at T's</b></font>
<b>Stand-Alone</b> [OFFLINE] <i>JavaScript</i> DNSD eWALLET DHT480 PI Workbench
<h4>Did you know that PI = 2.222222222222222... ? [Hint: Not BASE10]</h4>
<div id="commands">
<span><b>Enter MATRIX Card #1:</b><input type="text" id="MatrixCard1"
size=16 maxLength=16 value="1234567890123456"
onfocus="this.select();" onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13)
ImportCard1(document.getElementById('MatrixCard1').value);"> [0-9
<input type="button" id="cardimport" value="Enter Plastic Card #1"
<b><font size=2>...NUMERIC ONLY entry...16 Digits...</font></b>
<span><b>Enter MATRIX Card #2:</b><input type="text" id="MatrixCard2"
size=16 maxLength=16 value="1234567890123456"
onfocus="this.select();" onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13)
ImportCard1(document.getElementById('MatrixCard2').value);"> [0-9
<input type="button" id="cardimport" value="Enter Plastic Card #2"
<b><font size=2>...NUMERIC ONLY entry...16 Digits...</font></b>
<h3>...Move Mouse near RESET to Iterate FASTER...Click CLEAR and
<div class="details">LargeInteger:<div id="LargeInteger">[]</div>
CurrentI:<div id="CurrentI">[]</div> LargeInteger/CurrentI:<div
<i>Are WE There YET ?</i>....4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7+4/9-4/11+...
<span><input type="button" value="ACCELERATE" onclick="Accelerate();" /></span>
<font face=arial size=12><div id="CurrentPI">[]</div></font>
Copy and Paste from DHT480 MATRIX...
<span><b>Enter MATRIX:</b><input type="text" id="dhtMatrix" size=64
maxLength=974 value="PASTE MATRIX HERE"
onfocus="this.select();" onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13)
ImportMatrix(document.getElementById('dhtMatrix').value);"> [1-9 ONLY]
<input type="button" id="dnsdimport" value="IMPORT"
onclick="ImportMatrix(document.getElementById('dhtMatrix').value);" />
<b><font size=2>...NUMERIC ONLY entry...SPACES will be removed...</font></b>
<script type="text/javascript"> InsertSoftWay(); </script>
<span><input type="button" value="CLEAR and CAPTURE to CLIPBOARD"
onclick="ClearSpigot();" /></span>
<b>SPIGOT</b><div id="SPIGOT"></div>
<b>CLIPBOARD (CSV)</b><div id="CLIPBOARD" onclick=""></div>
<span><input type="button" value="reMAKE KEYS from CLIPBOARD"
onclick="MakeKeys();" /></span>
<b>480-bit DHT KEYS<br>1to9HEX (120 Symbols) - Base32 (96 Symbols)
Base64 (80 Symbols ~ KeyPunchCard)</b><div id="KEYS" onclick=""></div>
<i>...THIS is NOT an RFC...C at T</i>
<pre><div id="TESTAREA"></div></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">

var isArray = Function.isArray || function(o) {
return typeof o === "object" &&
Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === "[object Array]";

const Date_Today = new Date();
const Date_Time = Date_Today.getTime();
document.write(Date_Time+" :: ");

// DHT480 has TWO methods PUT(KEY480,DATA8192,TIME8) and GET(KEY480)

// Create a test Array with KEY480,DATA8192 the TIME8 {TimeByte} is
not tested here...see below

// BASE32 96*5=480 ~ One Symbol short appended below
const testKEY =
// Leave the 9 off

// in BASE32 the 0 Symbol is 00000 0x00 therefore 96 0 Symbols is
96*5=480 bits of ALL 0s 00000...00000

const DHT480_ZERO_KEY =

const DHT480_ONES_KEY =

const DHT480_TEST_KEY =

// in BASE32 the 9 Symbol is 11111 0x1F therefore 96 9 Symbols is
96*5=480 bits of ALL 1s 11111...11111

// 96 Symbol RULERs
// "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345"
// "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
// "999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"
// 96 digits from a PI_SPIGOT - NOT #BASE32 note the digits other than {012389}
// "819412345139691696237891434567139891696239123139491696236656789123326666675939446415456726666675"

const DHT480_base32_alphabet = "0ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12389";

var DHT480_table = new Array(32); // 32 rows of the test key table

// STORE an entry in the DHT480
// aKey - aString of 96 #BASE32 Symbols (96x5=480)
// anArray - 1024 Bytes of Data
// aTimeByte - DYMWDSHM - Decade.Year.Month.Week.Day.SHIFT.Hour.Moment

function DHT480_PUT_aKeyDataTime(aKey,anArray,aTimeByte){

    if(aKey in DHT480_table){
        alert(aKey+" exists");
        return DHT480_ZERO_KEY;
    if(aKey.length != 96){
        return DHT480_ONES_KEY;
    if(anArray.length != 1024){
        return DHT480_ONES_KEY;
    for(var i=0; i<1024; i++){
        if( ! ((anArray[i] >= 0) && (anArray[i] <= 255)) ){
            return DHT480_ONES_KEY;
    if( ! ((aTimeByte >= 0) && (aTimeByte <= 255)) ){
        return DHT480_ONES_KEY;

    DHT480_table[aKey] = new Array(1025);

    DHT480_table[aKey][0] = (ZOOM_Date_add_aTimeByte((new
    for(var i=1; i<=1024; i++){
        DHT480_table[aKey][i] = anArray[i-1];

    return aKey;

// GET an entry from the DHT480

function DHT480_GET_aKey(aKey){

    if(aKey.length != 96){
        return undefined;

    var _ = new Array(1024);

    for(var i=1; i<=1024; i++){
        _[i-1] = DHT480_table[aKey][i];

    return _;

// EXPIRE an entry from the DHT480

function DHT480_EXPIRE_aKey(aKey){

    //if(DHT480_table[aKey] == undefined){
        //alert(aKey+" does not exist");
    //    return;
    if(!(aKey in DHT480_table)){
        return aKey;
    if(aKey.length != 96){
        return aKey;

    var now = new Date().getTime();

    if(DHT480_table[aKey][0] < now){
        console.log("Expired:"+aKey+":"+new Date);
        delete DHT480_table[aKey];
        //alert(aKey+" expires at "+DHT480_table[aKey][0]+":::"+new

    return aKey;

function DHT480_EXPIRE_ALL(){
    var p;

    for(p in DHT480_table){ // Loop through the properties

// Fill the ZERO_KEY DATA8192 with 0s 00000...00000

DHT480_table[DHT480_ZERO_KEY] = new Array(1025);
    for(var col = 1; col <= 1024; col++) {
        DHT480_table[DHT480_ZERO_KEY][col] = 0;
    DHT480_table[DHT480_ZERO_KEY][0] = (new Date()).getTime();

// Fill the ONES_KEY DATA8192 with 1s 11111...11111

DHT480_table[DHT480_ONES_KEY] = new Array(1025);
    for(var col = 1; col <= 1024; col++) {
        DHT480_table[DHT480_ONES_KEY][col] = 255; // 0xFF
    DHT480_table[DHT480_ONES_KEY][0] = (new Date()).getTime();

// Dump the properties to a TESTAREA

function dumpDHT480(){
    document.getElementById("TESTAREA").innerHTML = "";
    for(p in DHT480_table){ // Loop through the properties
        document.getElementById("TESTAREA").innerHTML += p + '<br/>';
            var limit = 0;
        for(q in DHT480_table[p]){
            document.getElementById("TESTAREA").innerHTML += q + ":" +
DHT480_table[p][q] + ",";
            if(limit++ > 10) break;
        document.getElementById("TESTAREA").innerHTML += '<br/>';

function random_TestArray(){
    var _ = [];

    for(var i = 0; i<1024; i++){
        _[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
    return _;

function random_TestROM(){
    var _ = new Array(522240);

    for(var i = 0; i<522240; i++){
        _[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
    return _;

function random_TimeByte(){

    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);


DHT480_PUT_aKeyDataTime(DHT480_TEST_KEY,random_TestArray(),1); // the
smallest TimeByte = aMoment up to 8 minutes




<div class="footer" onclick="Dedication('MARS 128n 128e');">
<center><span>Copyright © 1981-2014 The UNIR™
<span>Comments & JavaScript Copyrights are included in the Source</span>
<span>No Warranty - FREEly pass this around the IPv3 IPv16 ZOOM #COMNET</span>
<span>THIS IS NOT an RFC or Property of <b>THE.XXX.ORGy</b> aka
<span>#COMNET only uses .COM and .NET Legacy DNS ~ .NET derives from
.COM ~ #NETCOM</span>


<script type="text/javascript">

// GlobalROM BLOBsize is 522240 Bytes
// 272 x 480 x 32bits - based on SONY PSP Screen Size

var GlobalROM = random_TestROM();

var GlobalROM_BTC160 = ZOOM_MD160(ZOOM_SHA256(GlobalROM));
var GlobalROM_MD160 = ZOOM_MD160(GlobalROM);

// DHT480 Handle for GlobalROM
//     Class160 zoomBytes160
//     BTC160 GlobalROM_BTC160
//     RIPE160

// Class160
var version16=[];
//_.push((key32>>24)&0xFF); _.push((key32>>16)&0xFF);
_.push((key32>>8)&0xFF); _.push((key32)&0xFF);
var key32=[255,255,255,255];
var zoomBytes160 = ZOOM_Bytes_160(version16,key32); // Class160

// Key480
var zoomGlobalROM_key480 = [];
// Assemble the three objects Class160 BTC160 MD160
zoomGlobalROM_key480 =

var ZOOMstring96 = ZOOM_Base32String_fromBytes(zoomGlobalROM_key480);

// Time = DYMWDSHM - Decade.Year.Month.Week.Day.SHIFT.Hour.Moment



for(var i=0; i<100000; i++){
    for(p in DHT480_table){ // Loop through the properties
<script type="text/javascript"> InsertSoftWay(); </script>

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