[liberationtech] LibrePlanet 2014 keynote

Nick liberationtech at njw.me.uk
Thu Mar 27 08:02:31 PDT 2014

Quoth Jonathan Wilkes:
> Has anyone seen this:
> http://media.libreplanet.org/u/zakkai/m/free-software-for-freedom-surveillance-and-you/
> If that is indeed what people saw when they watched a live stream going over Tor, I'm very impressed.  Interested to know more about the setup.

Yep, and it worked well, with really good quality, even projected 
onto a big screen.  Questions were asked to him over IRC (mostly 
through audience members on their laptops, some via a volunteer at 
the front). I got the impression there was a bit of latency, but in 
this context it didn't matter at all.

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