[liberationtech] Whitehouse.gov request for inputs on big data and privacy.

Richard Brooks rrb at acm.org
Fri Mar 21 15:12:56 PDT 2014

The President's review of big data and privacy

In January, President Obama spoke about changes in the technology we use
for national security purposes, and what they mean for our privacy broadly.

He launched a 90-day review of big data and privacy: how they affect the
way we live, and the way we work -- and how data is being used by
universities, the private sector, and the government.

As part of that review, we've already heard from leading privacy
advocates and industry leaders, among others.

But this is a conversation that affects all Americans, and we want to
make sure you have a chance to be a part of it. We want your input.

Take a moment to tell us what you think about big data, privacy, and
what it means to you.


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