[liberationtech] Datarmine protects your privacy

Christophe Audiat caudiat at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 06:27:27 PDT 2014

Dear Everyone,

A day ago, I sent an email to encryptallthethings.net  to introduce them to
Datarmine's solution. In his answer, Michael Carbone told me some of you
could be interested in our idea.

In Datarmine, we are developing solutions for our users to protect their
privacy on the Internet. We have an app for Google Chrome (soon on Firefox
and Android) that allows the user to cipher their posts on social networks.
The user post a cipher message on his social network (using an asymetrical
system). With this system, you can protect your most private life from
social networks and viewers you do not grant access to. All the more, you
can do it and promote an association/NGO you like: when the post is
ciphered, you choose in a catalogue what will see people you don't want to
share your post with will see. In a nutshel, we offer simple security
parameters that protect the user also from social networks.

We would be really grateful if you could test our
give us feedback (to provide the best security possible, your friends
also have to use Datarmine if you want them to decipher your posts). And if
you know an NGO or association that would like to be in our catalogue you
can tell it too (our service is free for them).

I would also like to apologize for my English. This is not my first
language and I may have done mistakes... I just hope I was clear enough for
you to understand our concept.


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