[liberationtech] Trsst Encryption (was: About Telegram)

Steve Weis steveweis at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 10:22:54 PDT 2014

Hi Michael. Some comments inline...

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Michael Powers <michael at mpowers.net> wrote:
> For a private message, we generate a random 256-bit key and encrypt with
> AES.  Then for each recipient, we use a hash of the shared ECDH secret and
> the message-id to encrypt the key and append it to the message.  We're xor
> ciphering because the inputs are random-ish keys and we need it to be simple
> and fast.  All public keys are static, and all public and private messages
> are viewable by anyone.

I don't understand what this is trying to accomplish. It generates:
(inputKey || Hash(inputKey)) ^ Hash(sharedKey || entryId))

What is that trying to do? It looks like you made up your own attempt
at an authenticated cipher mode. That's generally a bad idea.

I don't buy the argument that you need to make up your own
construction for speed. As is, in this Java code, I think the
KeyAgreement and multiple MessageDigest object instantiations will
dominate the cost.

I'd use AES-CBC and HMAC if you're trying to authenticate and encrypt.
Keep it simple and well-understood.

Some specific comments & questions:
1. You don't do anything to check that sharedKey is a fixed-length or
use an unambiguous delimiter between entryId:
2. What cipher mode is being used here? It's not using ECB by default is it?
3. Where is the authentication?
4. This is padding with zero bytes. Is it expecting fixed-length messages?
5. This might be shady since it doesn't do any input validation on the token:
6. Vulnerable to timing attack:
7. Vulnerable to timing attack:
8. Why did you decide to use BouncyCastle?
9. You're throwing the wrong SecurityException. Probably want to catch
GeneralSecurityException and not Exception:

I only spent a few minutes looking at this. It needs a lot of work.

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