[liberationtech] Call for Applications: 3 Nonviolent Civil Resistance Programs

Althea Middleton-Detzner altheamd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 13:13:42 PDT 2014

Greetings Liberation Tech Community!

I wanted to let you all know about three different calls for applications
that International Center on Nonviolent Conflict released last week.

Each of the calls are unique and intended for different audiences. I
thought many of you may be interested in one of the programs and/or are
connected with others who might be interested and potentially apply. I
encourage you to share the announcements with those friends and networks.

If you or someone you know decides to apply, please let me know! And if you
have any questions about the programs, who should apply, or the application
process, feel free to email me as well: altheamd at nonviolent-conflict.org


For* internationally-based professionals*, ICNC is now accepting
applications to the 9th annual *Fletcher Summer Institute for the Advanced
Study of Nonviolent
taking place June 14-21, 2014 in Boston, MA. *Deadline: April 1st, 2014*

For *US and Canada-based activists and organizers*, ICNC is now accepting
applications to the 2nd annual *James Lawson Institute: An Eight-day
Experience in Strategic Evaluation of Nonviolent Civil Resistance
to take place August 16-23, 2014 in Nashville, TN. *Deadline: April 13th,

For* faculty, academic lecturers, and high school teachers,* ICNC is now
accepting applications for its Curriculum Fellowships on Civil
See the link for additional details. *Deadline: March 31st, 2014.*
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