[liberationtech] self signing certs by default

Julian Oliver julian at julianoliver.com
Fri Mar 14 12:05:20 PDT 2014

..on Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 04:03:48PM -0300, Nicolás Reynolds wrote:
> Julian Oliver <julian at julianoliver.com> writes:
> > His Convergence project is certainly worth a look, too:
> >
> >     http://convergence.io/
> >
> > Shame it didn't catch on. AFAIK it needs a certain critical mass of 'Trust
> > Notaries'.
> afaict it was a fork of perspectives and perspectives is alive :)
> http://perspectives-project.org/
>     Perspectives is a new approach to helping computers communicate
>     securely on the Internet.  With Perspectives, public “network
>     notary” servers regularly monitor the SSL certificates used by
>     100,000s+ websites to help your browser detect “man-in-the-middle”
>     attacks without relying on certificate authorities.
>     Because anyone can run a network notary server, you get to choose
>     who you trust to validate SSL certificates, a powerful concept
>     indeed!  You can try it out using our Firefox Extension.

Ahah ;)

/me reads...

Julian Oliver
PGP key: https://julianoliver.com/key.asc
Beware the auto-complete life.

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