[liberationtech] Let's connect at Code for Seattle Wed. March 19 - 6 p.m. - 2 Decades of E-Democracy Q+A

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Thu Mar 13 14:41:18 PDT 2014

For those Washington State open government and civic technology
builders, I encourage you to join the Code for Seattle -
http://codeforseattle.org - online group:


All across the country, local Code for America Brigades -
http://brigade.codeforamerica.org/brigades - are connecting, and often
the online groups are the semi-hidden places to land to get connected
between Meetups.

Join me for a Q&A on 2 Decades of Civic Tech Lessons from
E-Democracy.org @ Code for Seattle

Everyone is invited to the Code for Seattle Meetup on Wed. March 19
from 6-9 p.m. at the Impacyt Hub Seattle.


If you can't make it, in addition to joining the local online group,
join the Meetup so you fully get in the loop:

Also, while the presentation is different, this video is from a recent
NYC visit: http://bit.ly/newvoicesvideo

Also, I will be in Seattle for the Citizen University event -
http://www.citizenuniversity.us - on Friday.

On Wednesday afternoon, I plan to connect with folks at the Impact Hub
- http://www.impacthubseattle.com - so if you'd like to connect one on
one, drop me a note: clift at e-democracy.org or call 612-234-7072.

Steven Clift

P.S. Sorry for the cross-posting, it is hard to reach local people
through local only networks from a far.

Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com
  Executive Director - http://E-Democracy.org
  Twitter: http://twitter.com/democracy
  Tel/Text: +1.612.234.7072

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