[liberationtech] US global internet freedom funding - FY 15 President's budget request

Steve Schultze sjschultze at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 05:50:39 PDT 2014

For context, $50.5m was the FY14 omnibus appropriations bill amount.

The President's budget is only one of many inputs into the actual
appropriations that result. Not sure what the brackets signal.

At State, much of our IF funding comes from funds that are not necessarily
explicitly called out in the President's budget, the appropriations bill,
or even our own Congressional Budget Justification.

Don't Panic.
On Mar 5, 2014 8:22 AM, "Robert Guerra" <rguerra at privaterra.org> wrote:

> My reading of the text is that the whole section is under brackets,
> meaning that the text (from fy 14) request is - to be deleted.
> That is, there is no fy 15 internet freedom funding request,..
> Robert
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Mar 5, 2014, at 12:14 AM, Andrew Lewman <liberationtech at lewman.us>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 09:24:32PM -0500, rguerra at privaterra.org wrote
> 0.5K bytes in 0 lines about:
> > : What do people on the list think of the internet freedom funding
> > : levels that were announced today in the (US) President's FY15 budget
> > : request ?
> >
> > If I read this right, it's page 111 under "Global Internet Freedom"
> > heading for "not less than 50,500,000".  Sounds good. We as a whole
> > sector are still dwarfed by the billions spent on "security" and locking
> > everything down.
> >
> > --
> > Andrew
> > pgp 0x6B4D6475
> > --
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