[liberationtech] New Citizen Lab Report. Blue Coat Errors: Sites Miscategorized as “Pornography”

Ronald Deibert r.deibert at utoronto.ca
Mon Mar 10 11:32:19 PDT 2014

Dear LibTech

Citizen Lab has released a new research report, authored by Bennet Haselton, entitled Blue Coat Errors: Sites Miscategorized as “Pornography”

Summary: As a follow-up to our post about the number of sites miscategorized by SmartFilter, our tests with Blue Coat show that miscategorization is not a problem limited to a single product. We should be skeptical of any company’s claims that they are able to categorize much of the web accurately, or that their rate of “collateral damage” is very low.

Full report here: https://citizenlab.org/2014/03/blue-coat-errors-sites-miscategorized-pornography/


Ronald Deibert
Director, the Citizen Lab 
and the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
(416) 946-8916
PGP: http://deibert.citizenlab.org/pubkey.txt
r.deibert at utoronto.ca

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