[liberationtech] Got Ideas? The Open Knowledge Festival's call for proposals is ON - submit your proposal by March 16!

Beatrice Martini beatrice.martini at okfn.org
Mon Mar 10 08:23:46 PDT 2014

Dear LiberationTech list,

I thought you'd be really interested in this, and might have some great
ideas around it too; at the Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/> we
have just announced the Open Knowledge
Festival<http://2014.okfestival.org/>for this summer. It's a global
gathering of open communities which is going
to be held on July 15-17 in Berlin, Germany, over 3 days of keynote
lectures, discussion sessions, workshops, hackathons, sprints and more.

Because the festival is shaped by its participants, we (I happen to be part
of the Programme Team <http://2014.okfestival.org/programme/programme-team/>)
are asking for session proposals from anyone with great ideas for really
participatory and outcome-driven sessions (please find also some tips about
formats here <http://2014.okfestival.org/programme/session-tips/>). You can
find more information about the call for proposals
 and here<http://2014.okfestival.org/okfestival-streams-concept-and-how-to-get-help/>-
check it out - I reckon you'll be interested and could submit
great! And if you know anyone who you think would rock running and
facilitating a session at the festival - please feel welcome to share the
call far and wide!

Plus: a financial aid programme <http://2014.okfestival.org/info/aid/> will
be launched soon (to ensure a truly diverse participation) and English is
*not* the mandatory
language<http://2014.okfestival.org/programme/programme-faqs/>to run
sessions. We're going global!

Thank you for your kind attention. Looking forward receiving your terrific



Beatrice Martini
Events Manager  |  skype: beatricemartini  |
The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
*Empowering through Open Knowledge*
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